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Tecnica marinoPer parlare della vasca, del mobile, della sump, dell'impianto idraulico, delle attrezzature e degli accessori (pompe, filtri, schiumatoi, reattori, ecc).
Visto che un pò di tempo fa si parlava dell'imminente uscita a gennaio dei 3 nuovi modelli della Bubble king, "i piccoli",e visto ke ero parecchio interessato all'acquisto x la mia futura vasca,mi ero deciso di kiedere qualche info in + sul forum della Royal Exclusiv,ebbene dopo un mese circa di attessa,"sua maesta" Klaus Jansen si è degnato di rispondermi...(in tedesco!! -04 -04 ),da quanto ho capito le news sono queste:
ecco i 3 nuovi Bubble king "piccoli": BK 160 für Aquarien bis 400 Liter, = 400 Liter Luft = 550.- Euro
BK 180 für Aquarien bis 700 Liter, = 600 Liter Luft = 650.- Euro
BK 200 für Aquarien bis 1000 Liter. = 800 Liter Luft = 850.- Euro
L'altezza dovrebbe essere di 56cm,il consumo delle rispettive pompe di:
Modell 160 = 28 Watt
Modell 180 = 35 Watt
Modell 200 = 42 Watt.
e da quanto ho capito saranno commercializzati x fine gennaio.
Ora aspettiamo qualche foto in anteprima!
Reason of the delay: …. the 1000 pieces of ordered special engines should arrive still before that 24. 12 with us. Afterwards it meant: … up to 31.12. Then again new date of delivery, to 15.1.06….Today the info.: … Engine supply is delivered only at the end of January.
So is it unfortunately now times. One is dependent also on its Vorlieferanten that these supply punctually. And for exactly this reason, we order in principle always large quantities, because only which we have at the camp, can be also sold.
But the prices for the small Bubble King, are fixed:
UC 160 for aquariums up to 400 litres, = 400 litres of air = 550. - Euro
UC 180 for aquariums up to 700 litres, = 600 litres of air = 650. - Euro
UC 200 for aquariums up to 1000 litres. = 800 litres of air = 850. - Euro
The overall heights for all models: 56 cm.
Building method: identically like Bubble King DeLuxe, only different pump and without the pot screw connection. The skimers are decoupled, from original Röhm gs plexiglass pipes with at least 4-5mm strong pipes are built completely acoustically. It is present the same muffler as well as the extendable telescope pipe. The wave of the pump consists the camps wear-free of a ultraharten, sea water-firm special alloy and is, is from wear-free silicon carbide as with talks Dragon pumps and large BubbleKing talking the Dragons. The camp mating ceramic(s) coal and ceramic(s) ceramic(s) did not work satisfactorily and had to be exchanged during the Probezeit, for harder axles. The needle wheels consist of extremely easy PE-HD and in a setting from the full one were turned and milled. By this production method the wheels are balanced extremely good and cause no Unwuchten, which make themselves negatively by vibrations, noticeably. The needle wheels are insensitively to foreign matter, extremely flexible and cannot not break off.
The UC pumps are also individually available:
Prices: Pump up to 400 litres of air - 1000 litres water = 220. - Euro
Pump up to 600 litres of air - 1500 litres water = 250. - Euro
Pump up to 800 litres of air - 2000 litres water = 280. - Euro
The needle wheels are individually available, with impeller units, and cost as spare parts, inclusive. SiC camp and TC axle for all models: 95. - Euro. The needle wheels cost 25 individually. - Euro.
The air achievements are adjustable. Through a Redus in the air introduction nozzle, can the air achievement of all models, over up to 300 litres more air introduction remove, be increased.
The current consumption:
Model 160 = 28 Watts
Model 180 = 35 Watts
Model 200 = 42 Watts.
And… perhaps also importantly: with Royal exclusive you also still receive spare parts in 15 years, for all products…
The distribution of the first UC will take place at the beginning of of February. Available starting from one week, are the new UC however only starting from 1.3.06
Sono curioso , avevo deciso più avanti di farci un pensierino, ma visto i prezzi mi è già passato . A parte gli scherzi Andrecis, secondo te o da quel poco che si sa,i litraggi per i vari modelli saranno da dimezzare come al solito o si potrà parlare di litri "reali" relativi al litraggio della vasca? Per una spesa così se compro uno schiumatoio dato per 400 litri e poi mi ritrovo che ne tratta si e no 200 la convenienza va a farsi benedire. Cmq aspettiamo con ansia l'uscita, anche solo per curiosità