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Vecchio 28-06-2006, 18:24   #121
Alex Carbonari
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molto interessante il link, soprattutto la sezione che riguarda il trattamento delle acque...
nella bottiglia del prodotto è indicato questo elemento


che, da come si legge qui
Forum Seachem

Riporto il testo perchè il link non è preciso:

Dave Browning04-1005, 20:31
According to the Seachem MSDS (http://www.seachem.com/support/MSDS.pdf), Paraguard, Stressguard, and Flourish Excel all use the same active ingredient... a dialdehyde known as glutaraldehyde. I am assuming the concentrations are greatest in Paraguard, less in Stressguard, and least in Flourish Excel. I know that glutaraldehyde is a disinfectant used in a limited number of hospital applications, such as sterilizing surgical instruments and other equipment.

I am very intrigued however at the use of glutaraldehyde as a source of organic carbon. I notice that the bottle of Flourish Excel lists the ingredient as "polycycloglutaracetal".

Of course I understand that I may be stepping over the line asking about this publically... I love Seachem products and I certainly understand if this is getting too far into the boundry of revealing trade secrets. *My* interest is *purely* scientific. So if it's possible, I would love to know some more about the science involved. Mainly, is there a difference between Glutaraldehyde and Polycycloglutaracetal? How did you come about discovering that plants can use it for carbon when there is low CO2 present? Are there any published scientific articles on the subject? Or is this exclusively Seachem research and a Seachem trade secret? :)

Tech Support JR0405, 09:28
Sorry to take so long in answering your query... we are have just finished up a move to our new (and larger!) building this past week. To answer you question: this is an exclusive Seachem trade secret. It is based on many years of in house testing and research that shows a tremendous increase in growth similar in nature to that seen when CO2 is used. Polycycloglutaracetal is an isomeric form of glutaraldehyde... however it is less reactive and more easily utilized by plants as a carbon source. Once we have patented the product we would then be in a position to release detailed scientific studies (for trade secret reasons until then of course).

è una forma di questo famigerato glutaraldehyde. Però si riparano dietro lo scudo del segreto industriale: niente più di una 'fonte di carbonio'
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Vecchio 28-06-2006, 19:17   #122
Stella marina
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limite raggiunto riprendiamo da qui


Sii avido di ascoltare e non di parlare.
"A parità di fattori la spiegazione più semplice tende ad essere quella esatta" (rasoio di Ockham)
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Vecchio 28-06-2006, 19:18   #123
Pesce pagliaccio
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Post "Grazie" / "Mi Piace"
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uhmmmm..... l'exel contiene il polycycloglutaracetal mentre chi pone la domanda dice che il glutaraldehyde è un disinfettante che si usa in applicazione ospedaliere tipo la sterilizzazione.
La seachem tuttavia ripsonde che il polycycloglutaracetal e una forma particolare(mi sfugge il significato del termine isomeric,credo che sti per isometrico o qualcosa di simile) del glutaraldehyde,come se fosse un suo derivato quindi nn è la stessa cosa,poi il resto come hai tu alex è segreto industriale.
Il Mondo non l'abbiamo ereditato dai nostri padri, ma ci è stato prestato dai nostri figli!!
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seachem , tutta

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