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Piante, alghe e fertilizzazione Per parlare della coltivazione corretta, delle esigenze, dell'habitat, della biologia, ecc. delle piante d’acquario.

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Vecchio 20-10-2014, 00:41   #1
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Talking Antialghe twinstar

Ciao a tutti è un po' che non scrivo su questo forum ma oggi sono stato alla fiera di Piacenza e ho visto un distruggi alghe miracoloso e mi chiedevo se qualcuno di voi ha avuto modo di provarlo .
Si chiama TWINSTAR e sembra che le distrugga arrivato in italia da poco qualcuno di voi lo usa ?
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Vecchio 20-10-2014, 11:05   #2
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Interessato pure io... l'ho visto in fiera e sarebbe capire se realmente funziona, anche perchè la spesa non è poca :D
Acquario : Work in progress
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Vecchio 20-10-2014, 12:33   #3
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attenzione che sulle schede del prodotto è ben specificato il fatto che non distrugge le alghe presenti, ma ne previene la formazione distruggendo eventuali spore.....
Andrea Silingardi
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Vecchio 20-10-2014, 13:06   #4
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Sisi ovvio, specifiche lette.
Ho anche letto una discussione su un forum inglese dove lo stanno già usando e sembra funzioni.
Devo solo trovarlo online ad un prezzo accettabile e poi lo provo. Ora il super S l ho trovato a 180. Quando dall estero si recupera a 130...

Domanda. Sulle specifiche è dato che anche il Nano va bene per vasche fino a 240lt con dimensioni 120x45x45.

Oppure si passa al super S.

Secondo voi per un 240 posso basarmi sul nano o per forza il super S ?
Acquario : Work in progress
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Vecchio 20-10-2014, 13:15   #5
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Acquariofilo Dolce dell'anno 2011

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... sono curioso di capire che cosa farebbe questo aggeggio...
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Vecchio 20-10-2014, 15:19   #6
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bisogna cercare su siti stranieri per chi sa qualche lingua c'è del lavoro da fare
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Vecchio 20-10-2014, 15:32   #7
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Basically, there are a lot of environments of aquarium that are varied depending on the users and also there are many reasons why Green algae occurs.&03;
Before going into the details, it is necessary to understand why the Green algae occur in the aquarium. Green algae are excessive carbon dioxide (CO2) that artificially supply fertilizer ingredient including surplus nitrogen, phosphorus from soil and light. This serves as a supplier who makes the environment for algae to occur. Consumer will be water plant and green algae.&03;
If water plant absorbs provided nourishment 100%, it will be the most idealistic environment where the Green algae don't occur.&03;
If you look at the initial environment after setting aquarium, water plants a bit slowly take root in the ground after planting rather than growing actively and then absorb the nutrient. However, initially nitrogen and phosphorus in soil are the most and they will be released excessively into the water.&03;
Although there are a lot of nutrients, the amount of waterweed's nutrient absorption are not enough. For that reason, Green algae occur. (If you provide strong lights and enough CO2 from the beginning, Heir green algae may appear before and after 15 days. Heir green algae occur when nutrients are abundant.) At this point, experienced aquarists normally increase water changing amount to keep the balance, or reduce lights, or try to prevent Green algae by putting Yamato shrimp, dozens of fish which eat Green algae.&03;
Even if new water plants seem clean with your bare eyes, you can't see the minute green algae attached on water plants. Therefore, we recommend putting some Yamato shrimp to prevent their growing. With only &16;TWINSTAR', you cannot remove the green algae.&03;
With enough light and nutrient, and CO2, water plants can take roots in 45 days and fully grow (demand increase period). Along with the growth of water plant, nitrogen and phosphorus from soil will be run low. If you plant a number of Stem plant, aquarium environment will start to change from 60 to 90 days. The biggest change is a lack of nitrogen and phosphorus. When nitrogen and phosphorus run short, Green algae will grow on a glass wall of aquarium. In case of a lack of light, Brown algae might grow usually.&03;
As mentioned above, environments of aquarium continue to change, and coping methods should be varied with them. &03;
Lastly, depending on the kind of water plants nutrients, speed and amount of nutrient uptake rate are different. Hemianthus callitrichoides &20;Cuba&21; grow slowly and nutrient absorption is very low. However, Glossostigma elatinoioles absorb a lot of nutrients and grow quickly. If you plant both two water plants in the same condition, Green algae will grow more in Cuba planted aquarium.&03;
Like IWAGUMY, if a lot of CUBA is planted with lots of stones layout, it will become Hard water with water pH. Consumer cannot do its role, so green algae will be likely to grow more and more.&03;
In conclusion, the effect of TWINSTAR depends on which water plants you plant and how to manage them. In case of 90cmX45cmX45cm size water tank, we recommend putting 3 Yamato Shrimp and 3 fish which eat green algae because they will act as the buffer in various conditions to maintain a constant effect. &03;
Judging from that you didn't mention about the effect of Heir green algae, we think that you didn't test Twinstar with new setting. Also you didn't mention Growth of plant, so please try to set again and check.&03;
For your reference, you cannot expect the effect of Growth of plant from the aquarium over 30days. It is related to Law of minimum or Liebig's law.&03;
TWINSTAR mini has 1 operating mode, it is designed 90~120L size fish tank to prevent green algae from occurring in waterplant. TWINSTAR NANO model has 2 operating modes, Mode 1 is for 90~120L size, Mode2 is for 180~240L size. Super S is designed to keep aquarium fish from disease and it can prevent any diseases of fish in 300L~400L size aquarium. Mini S is the purpose of disease prevention in 120L aquarium. &03;
Plus we attached bloggers' review from their blog so please refer to it. &03;
Effect on kind of algae&03;
- Hair/Thread algae : 95%&03;
- Brown Algae : 90%&03;
- Blue green : 80%&03;
- Fuzz algae : 80%&03;
- Green Dust algae :80%&03;
- Green spot : 85%&03;
No effect&03;
- Black brush / Beard&03;
Questo è quello che ho trovato sui forum stranieri.

Questi sono video e test sul loro sito con i vari paragoni
Acquario : Work in progress

Ultima modifica di derfel82; 20-10-2014 alle ore 15:35. Motivo: Unione post automatica
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Vecchio 20-10-2014, 15:41   #8
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Acquariofilo Dolce dell'anno 2011

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riporto questo da un forum statunitense:

This device is along the same thinking as the Ion-gen that some people use in ponds. I have talked to many people that used the Ion-gen in their ponds and the overwhelming majority of them say it's a waste of money. I don't see this product being much different. I think Tom put it very well, take the time to learn proper care, maintenance, and co2 and forget about an easy fix because there is no such thing.

per cui credo sia un buco nell'acqua...
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Vecchio 24-10-2014, 12:46   #9
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Salve ragazzi,sono nuovo del forum,un saluto a tutti.

Io il twistar ce l'ho in vasca da 2/3 mesi,il super S e funziona davvero,mi ha cambiato la gestione dei miei discus in maniera positiva.

Ero a Piacenza anche io ed ho parlato con l'importatore in Italia,tra l'altro di Vicenza anche loro,mi hanno detto che lo stanno testando in Italia vari portali per discus,gamberi e il portale "aquagarden" per le alghe. Io non l'ho preso in Italia,ma volevo solo dirvi che la garanzia del prodotto è importante,ho appunto chiesto questo e mi hanno riferito che loro rispondono solo per gli apparecchi destinati al mercato Italiano,e quindi venduti da loro,mi hanno fatto vedere che in ogni apparecchio c'è un codice univoco di quel prodotto e loro hanno traccia di tutti i numeri destinati per l'Italia,se non corrisponde, loro non sono tenuti ad intervenire.

Ultima modifica di joe67; 24-10-2014 alle ore 13:35.
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Vecchio 24-10-2014, 16:25   #10
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Se mettono le mani avanti in quel modo significa che l'aggeggio è predisposto al guasto frequente... Se vendessero un prodotto indistruttibile non avrebbero problemi a scaricare le responsabilità.
Comunque, come funziona visto che lo stai provando ?
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antialghe , twinstar

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