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Jiangshan Beauty txt Complete Edition Author: Mo Wu

"My present office is in Sigong Square." Li Jing pointed out the path slightly and lowered his voice: "Brother, if you are looking for me, just go there and mention my name." Xiao Buyi smiled and said goodbye, walked a few steps, looked back and saw Li Jing still looking at himself, waved his hand, and strode away. Walking out of the exit of Xunshan Square, I couldn't help turning my head and looking at Li Jing's generous figure, which was slightly lonely, and I didn't know what it was like in my heart. Suddenly a red shadow scurried over and followed Li Jing into the mansion. Xiao Buyi was so sharp-eyed that he could not help laughing when he realized that she was a red girl. Knowing that most of the women did not like to stay overnight, they stayed outside the door and did not return. When they saw themselves leaving, they turned back to the mansion. Fortunately, they knew each other and went out early. Otherwise, most of the women would have to spend the night outside. Out of Xunshan Square, the soldier still remembered him, nodding and smiling. Still smiling, Xiao Buyi saw that it was already late and strode forward. Since he had received the Yi Jin Sutra taught by the bearded man, Xiao Buyi had been practicing martial arts everywhere, eating, walking, meditating, and resting. Yi Jin Jing lies in the intention to keep, not demanding posture, so Xiao Buyi on the way back to Mayi, south to Luoyang, without a moment without practice, although now only a few months, it is very effective. Under his big step, the breath in his body was smooth, and he felt that he was about to fly lightly. He suppressed the momentum and slowed down his pace. Xiao Buyi did not want to make passers-by look askance, and his heart was full of joy. After crossing the middle bridge to the north of the Luoshui River, Xiao Buyi looked at the river subconsciously and basked in the sun in a flash. He remembered that the boat had cracked, and now he didn't know what to do. Remembering that her brother and sister depended on each other, Xiao Buyi shook his head secretly. Now Dongdu although singing and dancing, but a journey from mayi to Luoyang, but a lot of hungry people, no one can manage a lot. In contrast, this sister and brother in Luoyang is also a place to live, can only be stable for how long, that is,fine bubble diffuser, no one knows. When they arrived at the Gaosheng Inn in Yuji Square, Xiao Buyi entered the front hall. The shopkeeper had already greeted them and said, "Mr. Xiao, someone is looking for you." The shopkeeper knows countless people. Although Xiao Buyi is a commoner, he can let the people in the palace bring the land. It is not a simple commoner, so the grass people have become childe. Who and where is it? Xiao Buyi asked. The shopkeeper shook his head and said, "I don't know. The man is thin and small, with a moustache." Xiao Buyi thought of Bei Pei as soon as he heard it. Since Lai San was poisoned to death, Xiao Buyi has not seen Bei Pei, although Gao Shiqing did not say, but Xiao Buyi is convinced that Bei Pei poisoned Lai San. On the one hand thanks to Gao Shiqing help at the same time, Xiao Buyi is also awe-inspiring Pei valve is not left behind and well-informed, eradicate the incident is not the most brilliant means, Yu culture and think smart, so his move has long fallen into the eyes of Gao Shiqing? "He said he was looking for you, and I said you were out." The shopkeeper nagged, "then he left, could it be that side looking for you?" When Xiao Buyi saw him pointing to the northwest, he knew that it was Ziwei City located in the northwest corner, which meant that the emperor summoned him. He shook his head and said, Wall Penstocks ,Lamella Plate Settler, "It should be a friend of mine." "I didn't see that Mr. Xiao was so kind. Your friends are much more arrogant than you." The shopkeeper shook his head. Xiao Buyi knew that the shopkeeper was polite. "Bei Pei is a kind of person who refuses people thousands of miles away. If the shopkeeper doesn't say he hates it, he will give him face." Did he leave a message? Xiao Buyi asked. No The shopkeeper shook his head. "He left when he heard you weren't here. He didn't want to say a word more. I wanted to ask him what he was looking for you for." Xiao Buyi, oh, thanked the shopkeeper for his nagging and returned to the guest room. With a little food at random, Xiao Buyi took advantage of the pleasure of running to sit cross-legged and meditate. I do not know how long, Xiao Buyi suddenly opened his eyes, legs just a gentle kick, people have jumped high, virtual palm knife, a move forward split, not waiting for the palm to split solid, early hand hidden ribs, tiptoe light, not waiting to fall, the right leg in the air a sharp sweep, a strong wind across, extinguished the lights not far away. Xiao Buyi fell to the ground, light and silent, only to feel that his body was full of energy and could do nothing.
He used this move, not only jumped out of the height beyond imagination, completed the move on the knife spectrum, and a slight change, even if there is no single knife in the hand can also win with fists and feet, to this moment he understood Wei Chi Gong's exhortation when he left. Wei Chi Gong asked him not to be bound by the sword, so he only taught him the basic principles of the sword, hoping that he could defeat the enemy even if he had no sword. According to the normal development, it will take him about a few years to achieve something. He just practiced Yi Jin Jing for a few months. It seems that the progress is very fast. With today's martial arts, even if he met Lu An's right pursuit, he would not have to hide in such a mess. He practiced the moves skillfully a hundred times, and every time, Xiao Buyi could realize the profound meaning of the details in the swordsmanship. Although there were Yuchi Gong annotations in the previously unknown places, he could not do it after all, and he could not feel the subtlety. Now he was able to do it, plus a hundred battles against the enemy. Have learned more about the essence of change. Practicing this move, for a full hour or two, Xiao Buyi moved indoors, changing endlessly, and did not feel tired. Wait until the moves are skilled, and then begin to practice Yi Jin Jing. Just sitting on the bed, think of today to see Li Jing and red Fu Nu, the corners of the mouth show a smile, and suddenly think of Yu culture and Liang Zixuan, Xiao Buyi can only shake his head. Sitting cross-legged, after a moment, has moved from the extreme to the extreme static, not long time, Xiao Buyi has entered the Lingtai Pure Brightness, I forget the realm of both.. Dongdu merchants gathered, trading mainly in the three cities, the three cities are distributed in the west, north and south of Dongdu, occupying Datong, Tongyuan and Fengdu Sanfang, which can be described as unusually prosperous. Nanshi Fengdu is very large, occupying two squares in the name of one square, which is the largest city in Dongdu City. Usually the ancient city is the main vertical and horizontal street each two, assumes' well 'glyph, the market well said is also spreads from here. Nanshi Fengdu, however, has three main roads vertically and horizontally, with three doors on each side, which shows its size. Xiao Buyi is now sitting in a restaurant drinking tea and enjoying the scenery, thinking about what to bring to Li Jing for a while. Li Jing, of course,Mechanical fine screen, does not care about gifts, let Xiao Buyi flinch to the Li family is the red Fu Nu. Since Xiao Buyi met Li Jing, he has been concentrating on practicing martial arts and has not gone out. khnwatertreatment.com
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