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Vecchio 13-09-2011, 09:42   #1
Pesce rosso
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Oranda & C. in ferie estive

Come ogni estate ho trasferito i miei oranda & fantail dall'acquario di casa ad un vascone all'aperto sul balcone. Uso il c.d. metodo della "green water" ossia niente raggi UV per chiarificare l'acqua; non si vede assolutamente nulla, ma quando vado a ripescare i pesci a ottobre (abito a Pisa, Toscana) li trovo cresciuti e con bellissimi colori.
Qualcun altro usa far fare le vacanze all'aperto ai propri pesci rossi pregiati?
Gli amanti dei ciclidi lo fanno regolarmente (vedi sito AIC).
Per la green water vedi www.rafflesgold.com.
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Vecchio 14-09-2011, 18:42   #2
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A Pisa e Livorno si dice: "caato zero che vuol dire : nessuno Ti considera
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Vecchio 14-09-2011, 18:51   #3
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Invia un messaggio tramite Yahoo a Lorenzo56

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Via, ti caherò io.
Seguo anche io questo metodo, i miei oranda non hanno mai visto un'estate in casa: solo che sono sempre terrorizzato a lasciarli nella vasca (ex fioriera) con l'acqua gialla-marrone...
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Vecchio 14-09-2011, 19:06   #4
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Basta che non ci sono gatti in giro....
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Vecchio 15-09-2011, 09:00   #5
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Originariamente inviata da Lorenzo56 Visualizza il messaggio
Via, ti caherò io.
Seguo anche io questo metodo, i miei oranda non hanno mai visto un'estate in casa: solo che sono sempre terrorizzato a lasciarli nella vasca (ex fioriera) con l'acqua gialla-marrone...
Grazie della risposta.
Mi confermi che anche i Tuoi pesci si giovano moltissimo del trasferimento all'esterno?
Riguardo l'acqua di un colore non bellissimo, penso che la cosa importante sia evitare carenze di ossigeno tramite un buon movimento (fontanella a zampillo per quanto mi riguarda).
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Vecchio 19-09-2011, 23:04   #6
Stella marina
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angiolo, spiega un po' il discorso green water, senza però linkare altri forum che, da regolamento, sarebbe vietato
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Vecchio 20-09-2011, 10:09   #7
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Questi i sono i vantaggi:

The Advantages

o High Oxygenated Water
Carbon dioxide and ammonia is consumed and plenty of oxygen is released during photosynthesis. Goldfish kept in rich oxygenated water in big outdoor space will have extremely good appetite, and would grow rapidly and healthily. This is also an essential factor to achieve good head development of the Ranchu, Lionhead and Oranda varieties.

o Zero Byproducts
A major advantage of the photosynthesis process over the nitrification process is that it produces no byproducts like nitrite or nitrate!
The pea-soup green we cherish

o Cheap, Easy, Effective and Natural Filtration System
Natural and highly effective filtration of the green algae water takes over the expensive and tedious maintenance of man-made filtration system.

o Gradual Changes in Environment Parameters
The gradual fluctuation of pH and temperature in an outdoor environment helps to strengthen the fish, making them less prone to common diseases.

o Excellent Food Source
Green algae contain very high protein (60% more than shrimp - essential to the head development of the Ranchu, Lionhead and Oranda varieties) and fresh carotene – the natural color enhancer for goldfish. The outdoor pond is also a hotbed for the nutritious blood worms and mosquito larvae, an important supplement for our precious goldfish.

o Conducive Environment
Goldfish dwelling in the soothing green environment are also less stressed than those in crystal clear water. Naturally, they develop better under minimal stress.

o Accurate Indication of Diseases
Green water is a good indicator of the health of the goldfish. Water that turns brownish-green is a sure indication of problems with the goldfish.
E questi gli svantaggi:

The Disadvantages

o Oxygen Deprecation
At night, the algae compete with the goldfish for oxygen, and may result in suffocation.

o Oxygen Burn
Too much oxygen produced by the green algae water causes the fish to suffer from “oxygen burn” as the oxygen bubbles forms inside their fins and burst.

o Now You See Them Now You don’t
You can’t see your goldfish clearly in green water.

It is very difficult for many hobbyists to accept the benefits of the green water, especially in the commercial world, where there are huge investments on specialized products to counter the growth of green algae.

Why the heck to keep goldfish if we can’t even see them in the green water? Being avid hobbyist, we prefer to groom our goldfish rather than to see them deteriorate overtime. In order to get the best of both worlds, we rent outdoor ponds and “rotate” our collection of goldfish every few months from our home aquariums. In this way, we get enough bright colored and beautiful fishes to admire at home and at the same time, another batch is being cultivated by nature, waiting to be swap into the aquarium again.
Personalmente uso un mastellone di plastica nera da vendemmia (capienza 275 litri) che si compra a qualunque agraria, con una pompa Sicce che crea una fontanella a zampillo. L'acqua diventa verde scuro e ogni tanto faccio cambi parziali di 40 litri di acqua di rubinetto lasciata a riposare una notte e biocondizionata. I pesci in effetti crescono più nei tre mesi estivi all'aperto che nel resto dell'anno in casa.

Ultima modifica di angiolo; 20-09-2011 alle ore 10:16. Motivo: Unione post automatica
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Vecchio 20-09-2011, 10:28   #8
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Dimenticavo la premessa:

There are numerous species of algae going by very complex scientific names. What we are preaching is the kind of free floating single celled (unicellular) algae, not those hairy ones that got attached to rocks or mediums. These algae are very easy to cultivate in the outdoor. What that is needed are strong sunlight and enough goldfish to provide ammonia – the food source for the algae.

Under the correct condition with ample sunlight and ammonia, the green algae grow at a very rapid rate and it obscured the sight of your beautiful goldfish. As such, many aquarists consider them a nuisance and invested in much time, money and effort to get rid of them, often without very good success.

Ironically, in China and Japan, champion goldfish and koi farmers spent so much time and effort just to cultivate the green water that many aquarists are trying desperately to get rid of. Ponds are fertilized by burying dead and decomposed fishes or enriched with manual just to get the correct hue of green.

So there must be very good reasons for the goldfish farmers to cultivate goldfish in green algae water.
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Vecchio 21-09-2011, 11:20   #9
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Vecchio 22-09-2011, 17:00   #10
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Prego; ora che hai un bel laghetto pensi di far "estivare" i tuoi goldfish all'aperto magari in una gabbia immersa che li separi dagli ospiti permanenti (Carpe Koi ecc.)? Sono convinto che Ti ringrazierebbero. Ovviamente non è fondamentale la green water, anche in acqua cristallina avrebbero giovamento.
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estive , ferie , oranda

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