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Vecchio 27-07-2014, 18:24   #1
Sandro S.
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Post "Grazie" / "Mi Piace"
Grazie (Dati): 47
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Riproduzione Kauderni

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Arrow Divieto di importazione ? - Pterois sp. Lionfish -

Che ne pensate voi ?

Numerous aquarists and industry leaders consider Florida's decision to ban the importation of all Pterois sp. Lionfish a harbinger of things to come, a slippery slope that may well change how we think about the marine aquarium of the future.

With Florida's new lionfish import ban taking effect next week, we're taking one more look at this pivotal development in Florida. We've selected to excerpt Ret Talbot's cover-story, BANNED!, along with editorial comment, from our current issue.

Additionally, we're furnishing a quick primer on what Florida aquarists who have Pterois sp. Lionfish in their homes need to be aware of. Finally, we take a fresh look at the changes aquarium livestock suppliers are facing in light of this new law.

Let us know what you think about the new email format, particularly if you have any viewing issues; we'll be tweaking it in the months ahead to better serve our readers on all the platforms they use.

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Vecchio 28-07-2014, 09:32   #2
L'avatar di Lollo=P
Registrato: May 2004
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Post "Grazie" / "Mi Piace"
Grazie (Dati): 0
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credo sia dovuto all'invasione di Pterois che si sta verificando in quelle zone, no? sembra che la biodiversità locale sia seriamente minacciata perchè sono predatori molto voraci, e i pesci autoctoni, non riconoscendoli come pericolo, li alimentano a dismisura.

non so, è un po' chiudere le stalle dopo che i buoi sono scappati, o sbaglio?
come se ORA proibissero di importare nutrie nella pianura padana. oramai ci sono, e i danni sono stati fatti.
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Vecchio 29-07-2014, 22:31   #3
L'avatar di maurofire
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Post "Grazie" / "Mi Piace"
Grazie (Dati): 6
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Mi piace (Ricev.): 54
Mentioned: 25 Post(s)
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Se servisse sarebbe una bella cosa.
Forza Toro....
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divieto , importazione , lionfish , pterois

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