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Vecchio 31-08-2022, 04:32   #1
John M. Hunt
Registrato: Aug 2022
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Tess of the D'Urbervilles

"Ah-nothing, miss," he answered. The village of Marlott is still the original village of Marlott. Some people are dead and some are alive. During the week, Joan Durbeyfield married a daughter to a respectable farmer; but she was not married in Joan's own family; they were married somewhere else, and the gentleman, who was so important that he thought Joan was poor, did not invite them to the wedding; The bridegroom did not seem to know that the newly discovered lineage of John was that of an ancient nobleman, and that the bones of their family ancestors were still buried in their great tombs, but that their ancestors had been poor and decadent since the time of the Romans. But Sir John, as we now call him, did his best on the wedding day to get the whole parish together; and John's wife sang in the pure wine tavern until eleven o'clock. Tess felt so miserable at this remark that she could no longer make up her mind to go home openly in the carriage with her luggage and belongings. She asked the turnpike if she could leave her things in his house for a while, and with the turnpike's permission, she dismissed the carriage and walked alone along a lonely hedge road to the village. As soon as she saw the chimney on her father's roof, she asked herself how she could enter this house? In that thatched cottage, all her family had gone on a wedding trip far away for her with a rather rich man, who would have given her a rich life; but here she was, friendless, with nowhere to go in such a big world, all alone, sneaking back to her old home. She was seen before she entered the house. She had just reached the garden hedge when she met a girl who knew her well-one of two or three of Tess's good friends at school. She asked Tess some questions about how she had come here, and without noticing the sad look on her face,large ficus tree, she suddenly asked- 'But Your gentleman, Tess? ' Tess hastily explained to her that he was away on business, and leaving the questioner, entered the house through the garden-hedge door. As she entered the garden path, she heard her mother singing at the back door, and saw Mrs Durbeyfield standing in the doorway, twisting a freshly washed sheet. She finished twisting the sheets, and, not seeing Tess, went in, followed by her daughter. The tub was in the same place, artificial plant wall panels ,faux grass wall, on top of the old wine barrel, and her mother threw aside the sheets and was about to put her arm into the tub to continue washing. Ah-Tess! — my child — I think you are married! This time it was a very real wedding -- we sent wine -- "Yes, mother; I am married." "Are you getting married?" "No-I'm married." "Married!"! What about your husband? "Ah, he's gone for the time being." "Gone!"! So when did you get married? Is that the day you told us? "Yes, it's Tuesday, mother." "Today is Saturday. Is he leaving?" "Yes, he's gone." What do you mean by that? No one's going to take your husband away from you, I ask you. "Mother!" Tess went to Joan Durbeyfield, put her head in her mother's arms, and wept bitterly. I don't know how to tell you, mom! You told me and wrote to me not to tell him. But I told him-I couldn't help telling her-and he left! "Oh, you are a little fool-you are a little fool!" Mrs Durbeyfield burst into tears, splashing herself and Tess with water in her excitement. My God! I've been telling you, and I'm telling you, you're a little fool! Tess was trembling with tears, and the tension of so many days was finally released. I know — I know — I know! She whimpered and gasped.
But, oh, my mother, I can't help it! He's so good-I think it's a disservice to him to keep what happened from him! If — if — if it happened again — I would tell him the same thing. I can't-I dare not-lie to him! "But didn't you lie to him by marrying him first and then telling him?" "Yes, yes; that's where I'm sad too!"! But I thought, if he was determined not to forgive me, he could leave me by law. But, if you knew-if you knew half of how much I love him-how I long to marry him-how I like him so much that I hope he will not be wronged, how I am in the middle of both! Tess was too sad to say any more, and sank limply into a chair. Alas, alas, what more can be done at this point! I really don't know why the children I raise are so stupid compared with other people's-I don't know whether to say this kind of thing or not. What can he do when raw rice is cooked? Mrs Durbeyfield, feeling sorry for her mother, began to weep. What will your father say? I don't know, "she continued." Every day since your marriage, he has been flaunting at Rolliver's and Pure Liquor's that your marriage will restore his family to their former position-poor silly man! Now you've made a mess of everything! My God-my God! As if joining in the fun, the footsteps of Tess's father were soon heard coming in. But he did not come in immediately, and Mrs Durbeyfield said she would tell him the sad news herself, and ask Tess not to see her father. When the disappointment she had felt at first was over, she began to accept this misfortune, as she had accepted Tess's first misfortune; only as a rainy day,silk cherry blossom tree, as a failure of potatoes, and as nothing to do with virtue and vice; as an accidental external invasion that could not be avoided, rather than as a lesson. hacartificialtree.com
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durbervilles , tess

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