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Vecchio 08-07-2011, 08:46   #31
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Originariamente inviata da dhave Visualizza il messaggio
Ho ordinato sia la bottiglia sia il kit per allevarli.

Ho preso persino la pompetta dell'aria e il biocondizionatore che forniscono loro, volevo fare una recensione del kit, arriva tutto mercoledì!
rimaniamo in ascolto
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Vecchio 08-07-2011, 16:06   #32
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seguo con interesse .
Cosa vado a fare in paradiso se non conosco nessuno
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Vecchio 08-07-2011, 18:46   #33
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Dai se trovo il tempo piazzo pure io l'ordine
La mia vasca http://openreeftank.blogspot.com/ aggiornata ..... poco per il momento .... 15/01 Foliose
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Vecchio 09-07-2011, 03:03   #34
Pesce rosso
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Dhave allora sto kit?
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Vecchio 11-07-2011, 08:26   #35
L'avatar di dhave
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Spediscono oggi se non erro, solite regole di spedizione del vivo, parte solo alcuni giorni. Mi hanno invece inviato via mail una piccola guida, appena riesco traduco e posto.
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Vecchio 11-07-2011, 15:19   #36
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ragazzi non trovo articoli completi in internet sul metodo di allevamento... c'è chi dice di dosare fito tutti i giorni e chi no; c'è chi consiglia di cambiare un pò d'acqua ogni giorno e altri no.... io da quando mi sono arrivati li ho messi in una brocca e ogni giorno aggiungo un pò di fito ma non mi sembrano essere aumentati... chi mi da una mano?
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Vecchio 11-07-2011, 19:11   #37
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guarda qua tra gli articoli in evidenza e non... http://www.acquariofilia.biz/forumdisplay.php?f=177
ciao e facci sapere...
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Vecchio 12-07-2011, 00:47   #38
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luca ma che fito hai utilizzato??
La mia vasca http://openreeftank.blogspot.com/ aggiornata ..... poco per il momento .... 15/01 Foliose
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Vecchio 12-07-2011, 09:45   #39
L'avatar di dhave
Registrato: Sep 2010
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Nel kit spediscono loro il "mangime".
Ho chiesto spiegazioni anche io ma hanno tagliato corto dicendomi di aspettare il kit e leggere le istruzioni (hanno ragione in effetti).

"Hi Davide,
Thank you for choosing our copepod culture pack.
Please find your copepod culture fact sheet attached to this email which contains all the information you need to get you started.
Please be advised that copepods need time to mature before you start to harvest from them, so you will be looking at approx 4 weeks of careful nerturing before you can start seeing the rewards.
We will contact you again in a couple of weeks via email to see how you are getting on with your culture, but in the mean time if you have any questions no matter how minor, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
We have a new customer support portal, on a ongoing basis we will be adding useful information about our products and great tips on how to get the best from your live food. Click here to visit our new support center"

Queste sono le pre-istruzioni del kit inviatemi via mail:

1. Culture vessel: This can be anything such as a 5 or 10 gallon aquarium, Tupperware container, etc. that holds
water. Deep containers are not recommended.
2. Culture water: You will need some freshly mixed clean seawater, do not use water from an existing aquarium or
culture as this will contaminate your new culture. For best results aim for a specific gravity of 1.020 for our strain
of copepods.
3. Small air pump, and airline tubing (Do not use an airstone).
4. Cover to keep dust and contaminants out and evaporation down.
5. A food source, such as Reefphyto copepod feed.
Fill your container half to two-thirds full with the clean seawater. Attach the airline to the air pump. Put the end
of the airline into culture vessel, and plug in the air pump. Make sure you use a drip loop and check valve to keep
water from getting into your pump and electrical outlet.
Add a very small amount of copepod feed to lightly color the culture water. Do not add too much, or the water will
foul. Add your new copepod culture, loosely apply the lid, and you are done!
Over the next few weeks, your copepods will reproduce. It may seem at first that they aren't reproducing as fast
as you would like, but once they get to a certain population level you will see an "explosion" of copepods in your
culture vessel. Feed with Reefphyto copepod feed as necessary to keep the water lightly tinted, and monitor water
Crashes from overfeeding that leads to high ammonia and nitrite are possible, water changes of 50% can help if the
water quality declines too much.
To harvest your copepods, a plankton collector/strainer of some sort is very helpful. You can siphon your copepods
through the collector, insuring that when you feed them to your aquarium you are only adding copepods, not
culture water.
Make sure you do not dip your strainer in the copepod culture, and then in your aquarium, and then back in your
culture vessel without cleaning it first. Likewise, keep siphon tubing and other equipment you use on your culture
separate from equipment you use in your aquariums or larval tanks to avoid contamination.

Nel testo suggeriscono "A food source, such as Reefphyto copepod feed", ma nel sito vendono "Copepod Feed - £4.20"

Ultima modifica di dhave; 12-07-2011 alle ore 09:48. Motivo: Unione post automatica
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Vecchio 12-07-2011, 18:14   #40
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Io doso il fito che produco io... Nannocl.

Posted With Tapatalk
Controller Arduino Fai da Me per plafoniera e acquario --> http://www.acquariofilia.biz/showthr...346129&page=10
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benthos , dsb , regala

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