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Vecchio 10-08-2012, 10:46   #91
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Originariamente inviata da Giuseppe C. Visualizza il messaggio
L'ho visto solo ora questo post....di inglese ne mastico proprio poco ma le foto i disegni e le indicazioni varie sono chiare....................si ragazzi, ma per me che sono uno smanettone sul fai da te, questa è tentazione bella e buona
Chi ha già realizzato degli amici di AP, uno di questi? Comunque se lo faccio lo metto in sump.
giuseppe, appena lo fai, dimmi tutto l'occorrente che serve, dove prenderlo e come farlo che ci provo anch io ahhahahaah
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Vecchio 17-08-2012, 19:29   #92
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Important videos to help you understand algae filtering...

Clicca per vedere il video su YouTube Video - Ocean Productivity
Clicca per vedere il video su YouTube Video - Photosynthesis part 1
Clicca per vedere il video su YouTube Video - Food Chains vs. Food Webs
Clicca per vedere il video su YouTube Video - Nutrients and Primary Production
Clicca per vedere il video su YouTube Video- Chlorophyll
Clicca per vedere il video su YouTube Video - Zooplankton and Primary Production
Clicca per vedere il video su YouTube Video - Bacteria
Clicca per vedere il video su YouTube Video - Food Webs
Clicca per vedere il video su YouTube Video - Microbial Food Web
Clicca per vedere il video su YouTube Video - Trophic Pyramids

Ultima modifica di SantaMonicaHelp; 17-08-2012 alle ore 19:31. Motivo: Unione post automatica
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Vecchio 02-09-2012, 19:05   #93
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Vecchio 02-09-2012, 19:26   #94
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Più vedo sto bagaglio più mi intrippa mi sà che quando parto lo provo davvero.....

Tu num me rompe' er ca', no, no, tuà... a muà... non m'hai da rompe' er ca'!
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Vecchio 02-09-2012, 19:34   #95
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Anche a me sembra una cosa carina e oltretuttto la sta migliorando in maniera bestiale rispetto alla prima versione.
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Vecchio 02-09-2012, 19:46   #96
Giuseppe C.
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Anch'io lo proverò...ho già predisposto un piccolo scomparto rimovibile nella sump della nuova vasca, dove avrò il livello giusto per posizionarlo.
Ragazzi, se qualcuno lo sta già costruendo, posti le foto.


Le cose più belle della vita o sono immorali, o sono illegali, oppure fanno ingrassare... George Bernard Shaw
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Vecchio 04-09-2012, 19:12   #97
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Originariamente inviata da Giuseppe C. Visualizza il messaggio
Anch'io lo proverò...ho già predisposto un piccolo scomparto rimovibile nella sump della nuova vasca, dove avrò il livello giusto per posizionarlo.
Ragazzi, se qualcuno lo sta già costruendo, posti le foto.
Guardando avanti per la sua risposta.
Some more successes from waterfall scrubbers:

Damon on the IM site: "I have been completely skimmer less for over a month now, and my ats has brought my nitrates from off the chart above 50ppm and with yesterday's test it has come down to 5 on the high end with color choosing(can't wait for a Hanna to make a nitrate). I am extremely happy with my ats as it is now, but I do believe I'm going to build a second one next to it. I built this size for a small (75-90g heavy bioload), but I'm going to add a second one that will be a more professional build quality now that I have figured out how I want it to run. I still love the fact that I have dropped $25 a month in electricity, haven't done a water change in a month while still dropping nitrates and getting amazing coral growth. The best part is I am making these to utilize my overflow drains, so in essence I adding a more efficient form of filtration without adding any heat or extra electricity. I can't report on long term results as I've only been running an ats since last fall. But from where my tank was to where it is now is enough for me to jump ship, lol."

Kerry on the scrubber site: "I was hard for me to believe that this device worked. It took about a year before I built one and now I wish I knew about this years ago. Who would have thought algae would provide so much success? I even have one on my 150G FW Jack Dempsey tank as well. And yes, its so nice not to have a skimmer anymore!!!!"

Reefkeeper2 on the RC site: "I run a skimmer, biopellets and an ATS. The skimmer and the pellets worked well keeping nitrates at 0, but there was room for improvement with phosphate control. I tried GFO, and lanthanum. My sps do not like the GFO. I got STN often when I changed it out. The lanthanum worked, but was very labor intensive and so unpractical. The ATS did the trick nicely. I have been a reefer for a very long time. I think I have tried every method of nutrient control thought up by anyone. I really enjoy trying out new ideas and trying to improve on old ones. I have to say that this combination has worked the best of all I have tried over the years."

N728NY on the RC site: "Just chiming in to say I really hope this thread keeps going! Lots of good info. I'm still pretty new to keeping a reef tank. I have been running a scrubber with my skimmer for the past three months. Before then I could never get my nitrates below 15, and since I added my scrubber I never been able to detect any nitrates, even after feeding twice as much. I know with my 75 gallon set up, I made my scrubber slightly over sized (sized for 100 gallons) and I dump huge amounts of pellets and frozen shrimp in my tank on top of spot feeding my corals on a regular basis and I still have yet to register any nitrates on my test kit. Being that I'm still new I still haven't built up the courage to unplug the skimmer yet. I may try it once I know for sure my scrubber is fully matured, got plenty of ro water made up and salt ready just in case I need to do an emergency water change lol. I still have a clump of cheato left that I suppose would be good back up if the scrubber couldn't keep up. The cheato doesn't really grow very much right now because of the scrubber. I love these scrubbers, I'm so glad I took the time to read "both sides" of the arguments on them to find out the facts about them."

Kentth on the scrubber site: "overall the tank is much healthier, a lot of feather dusters, coming out of the rocks, yellow sponges, other opaque sponges. big thing is no water changes for over 8 months, almost no silt, it has really cut my maintenance"

Langtudatinh01 on the RC site: "i completely redo my 40B with the ATS from beginning, i barely see much algae on my display tank but i now have a mature ATS. i relocated all my fish and add another one without any issue. the dead rocks i use bleach quite a lot of phosphate back into the water, but the ATS has handle the issue like a cham. i do not see much algae on my display. everything is green like grass down at the ATS. i am very happy so far.'

Bicolour on the MFUK site: "quick update, so my ats has been running since [6 weeks ago] and i gotta say all the algea in my tank and on the sand has gone, wow. gotta say it was well worth doing. i dont monitor growth at the moment but this is something i will be doing in the future, my set up was basic costing very little as i wanted to try this before i really looked into the idea. very impressed and can only say if you got space look into it"

Rysher on the RC site: "i have a 6x9 screen, 1 inch is submerged so only 6x8 is really used, i also have a 40b. it has been my only form of filtration ever since i started the tank [months ago], i feed almost 2 cubes a day, only have 2 fishes but u cant see any algae on my DT, almost non existent film algae too, i clean my DT glass maybe once a week."

Packman90 on the RC site: "I have a 72 Gallon bow front and until a couple of months ago I was going to throw my tank away and give up on saltwater tanks all together. I was brand new, took a lot of advice, started my system and watched as it became more and more green, until i found out about scrubbers. I lost all of the coral frags I bought, about $400.00 worth, and just felt that I would never get it. I have it now, and just bought my first new frags in over 8 months. Thanks to all of you scrubbers out there who showed me the way. Here is the tank after the scrubber did it's magic. this took a total of 1 month for it to clear up, and I did not remove any of the algae, it just melted a way. Only problem I have is that i have some sea grass that is melting away as well and cheto in my sump is also slowly dieing."

Ultima modifica di SantaMonicaHelp; 04-09-2012 alle ore 19:13. Motivo: Unione post automatica
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Vecchio 04-09-2012, 20:24   #98
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davvero interessante
quasi quasi lo provo anche io, come aiuto/supporto allo skimmer.
Vanno bene anche le lampade normali, a incandescenza (o quelle a risparmio energetico) da 2700-3000k max?
Sarà un nanoreef da 60*40 senza sump..
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Vecchio 04-09-2012, 21:54   #99
Giuseppe C.
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Ma ho capito bene, che potrebbe addirittura sostituire lo skimmer???....va in conflitto con un filtro ad alghe?


Le cose più belle della vita o sono immorali, o sono illegali, oppure fanno ingrassare... George Bernard Shaw
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Vecchio 05-09-2012, 00:15   #100
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Originariamente inviata da Giuseppe C. Visualizza il messaggio
Ma ho capito bene, che potrebbe addirittura sostituire lo skimmer???....va in conflitto con un filtro ad alghe?
E' quello che stavo pensando anch'io....
Se è un sistema meccanico per eliminare i nutrienti funziona come uno skimmer...
in fondo è un mix di aria e acqua a cui manca solo la fotosintesi
sarebbe interessante puntare una luce allo skimmer per 24h e vedere se fa lo stesso effetto
forse per il dolce è piu' adatto,anche perchè nel marino un sistema simile è il refugium solo che le alghe le introduciamo e non si formano.

Si potrebbe provare a creare uno scomparto piccolo in sump in questo modo:

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algae , aquarium , bubble , cost , easiest , eliminate , green , hair , lowest , permanently , slime , turf

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