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Flora e fauna acquario mediterraneo Per parlare degli pesci, degli invertebrati e delle macroalghe adatte ad essere allevate negli acquari marini nostrani.

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Vecchio 27-10-2008, 11:50   #1
L'avatar di Peppe_Ice
Registrato: May 2008
Città: Milazzo
Acquariofilo: Dolce
N° Acquari: 5
Età : 36
Messaggi: 1.142
Foto: 0 Albums: 4
Post "Grazie" / "Mi Piace"
Grazie (Dati): 0
Grazie (Ricev.): 16
Mi piace (Dati): 10
Mi piace (Ricev.): 18
Mentioned: 1 Post(s)
Feedback 59/100%

Annunci Mercatino: 0
Alghe verdi..!

Ciao a tutti,in questi giorni mi hanno dato la possibilità di curare un acquario marino mediterraneo che non è stato molto curatonegli ultimi mesi..ecco, è invaso da alghe verde scuro(tipo filamentose) e i vetri sono anch'essi invasi dalle classiche alghe che si formano su di essi..secondo Voi come posso risolvere questi problemi senza dover cambiare tutto?
Per iniziare ho levato un bel po di queste alghe con un semplice retino e ieri ho introdotto una 20ina di Monodonta Turbinata per cercare di levare le alghe sui vetri..
Aspetto Vostri consigli,
Grazie in anticipo..
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Vecchio 27-10-2008, 11:50   #2
L'avatar di Peppe_Ice
Registrato: May 2008
Città: Milazzo
Acquariofilo: Dolce
N° Acquari: 5
Età : 36
Messaggi: 1.142
Foto: 0 Albums: 4
Post "Grazie" / "Mi Piace"
Grazie (Dati): 0
Grazie (Ricev.): 16
Mi piace (Dati): 10
Mi piace (Ricev.): 18
Mentioned: 1 Post(s)
Feedback 59/100%

Annunci Mercatino: 0
Alghe verdi..!

Ciao a tutti,in questi giorni mi hanno dato la possibilità di curare un acquario marino mediterraneo che non è stato molto curatonegli ultimi mesi..ecco, è invaso da alghe verde scuro(tipo filamentose) e i vetri sono anch'essi invasi dalle classiche alghe che si formano su di essi..secondo Voi come posso risolvere questi problemi senza dover cambiare tutto?
Per iniziare ho levato un bel po di queste alghe con un semplice retino e ieri ho introdotto una 20ina di Monodonta Turbinata per cercare di levare le alghe sui vetri..
Aspetto Vostri consigli,
Grazie in anticipo..
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Vecchio 01-11-2008, 20:50   #3
L'avatar di Daniel89
Registrato: Dec 2006
Città: Chioggia
Acquariofilo: Marino
N° Acquari: 1
Età : 34
Messaggi: 5.169
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Post "Grazie" / "Mi Piace"
Grazie (Dati): 0
Grazie (Ricev.): 1
Mi piace (Dati): 0
Mi piace (Ricev.): 3
Mentioned: 3 Post(s)
Feedback 5/100%
Invia un messaggio tramite MSN a Daniel89 Invia un messaggio tramite Skype a Daniel89

Annunci Mercatino: 0
Peppe_Ice, ha skimmer ??? filtro biologico ?? da quanto gira ??? che c'è dentro ??? x ora può bastare...dimenticavo...movimento ???
Questo non si potrà più fare...SE FUNZIONERA' IL MOSE..... http://freecaster.tv/1000011_1006521
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Vecchio 01-11-2008, 20:50   #4
L'avatar di Daniel89
Registrato: Dec 2006
Città: Chioggia
Acquariofilo: Marino
N° Acquari: 1
Età : 34
Messaggi: 5.169
Foto: 0 Albums: 0
Post "Grazie" / "Mi Piace"
Grazie (Dati): 0
Grazie (Ricev.): 1
Mi piace (Dati): 0
Mi piace (Ricev.): 3
Mentioned: 3 Post(s)
Feedback 5/100%
Invia un messaggio tramite MSN a Daniel89 Invia un messaggio tramite Skype a Daniel89

Annunci Mercatino: 0
Peppe_Ice, ha skimmer ??? filtro biologico ?? da quanto gira ??? che c'è dentro ??? x ora può bastare...dimenticavo...movimento ???
Questo non si potrà più fare...SE FUNZIONERA' IL MOSE..... http://freecaster.tv/1000011_1006521
Daniel89 non è in linea   Rispondi quotando
Vecchio 11-02-2009, 18:19   #5
Registrato: Feb 2009
Messaggi: 8
Foto: 0 Albums: 0
Post "Grazie" / "Mi Piace"
Grazie (Dati): 0
Grazie (Ricev.): 0
Mi piace (Dati): 0
Mi piace (Ricev.): 0
Mentioned: 0 Post(s)
Feedback 0/0%
Invia un messaggio tramite ICQ a Qiuene42

Annunci Mercatino: 0
remain minuscule

America's fascination with the game of chance is as old as the nation itself. Lotteries were a common way to raise money for public works in Colonial America, but they fell out of favor in the 19th century, maple story mesos perceived as contrary to the culture of hard work, rectitude, and saving. Federal anti-lottery legislation in the 1890s closed the door on them for three quarters of a century. And when New Hampshire launched the first modern state lottery, in 1964, it made sure to hire a former FBI agent to run it.

Today, lotteries are a wow power leveling fixture in 42 states and the District of Columbia and are likely only to grow in popularity in the months ahead as governments around the nation struggle with budget shortfalls. The games have, understandably, become a favorite crutch for legislatures looking to raise money without hiking taxes. Ordinary Americans seem to love them too&12;even though the odds of hitting a wow power leveling life-changing payday remain minuscule. The chance of winning an extra ticket or a couple of bucks runs to about 1 in 4, but the odds of hitting the 30-state Powerball jackpot are roughly 1 in 146 million. (Your odds of making two holes in one in the same round of golf: as slim as 1 in 67 million.)

States raised $17.4 billion for their budgets in 2007. Most spend a portion of that income on education, but many have archlord gold found other creative outlets. In Kansas and Iowa, lottery money pays for compulsive-gambling programs; Montana and Wisconsin have used it for property tax relief. Over the years, Washington State has spent $49.9 million of its lottery revenues on a baseball stadium and put $76.5 million toward a football arena and convention center.

The smaller instant buy archlord gold prizes, surprisingly, are the engines of growth. Ten- and twenty-dollar tickets are now routine, and scratch-off games now make up about half of lottery sales. Their steady stream of $100 prizes means that regular players can win every few weeks. They tell their friends, who buy, win&12;and tell theirs.
us wow gold
Qiuene42 non è in linea   Rispondi quotando
Vecchio 11-02-2009, 18:19   #6
Registrato: Feb 2009
Messaggi: 8
Foto: 0 Albums: 0
Post "Grazie" / "Mi Piace"
Grazie (Dati): 0
Grazie (Ricev.): 0
Mi piace (Dati): 0
Mi piace (Ricev.): 0
Mentioned: 0 Post(s)
Feedback 0/0%
Invia un messaggio tramite ICQ a Qiuene42

Annunci Mercatino: 0
remain minuscule

America's fascination with the game of chance is as old as the nation itself. Lotteries were a common way to raise money for public works in Colonial America, but they fell out of favor in the 19th century, maple story mesos perceived as contrary to the culture of hard work, rectitude, and saving. Federal anti-lottery legislation in the 1890s closed the door on them for three quarters of a century. And when New Hampshire launched the first modern state lottery, in 1964, it made sure to hire a former FBI agent to run it.

Today, lotteries are a wow power leveling fixture in 42 states and the District of Columbia and are likely only to grow in popularity in the months ahead as governments around the nation struggle with budget shortfalls. The games have, understandably, become a favorite crutch for legislatures looking to raise money without hiking taxes. Ordinary Americans seem to love them too&12;even though the odds of hitting a wow power leveling life-changing payday remain minuscule. The chance of winning an extra ticket or a couple of bucks runs to about 1 in 4, but the odds of hitting the 30-state Powerball jackpot are roughly 1 in 146 million. (Your odds of making two holes in one in the same round of golf: as slim as 1 in 67 million.)

States raised $17.4 billion for their budgets in 2007. Most spend a portion of that income on education, but many have archlord gold found other creative outlets. In Kansas and Iowa, lottery money pays for compulsive-gambling programs; Montana and Wisconsin have used it for property tax relief. Over the years, Washington State has spent $49.9 million of its lottery revenues on a baseball stadium and put $76.5 million toward a football arena and convention center.

The smaller instant buy archlord gold prizes, surprisingly, are the engines of growth. Ten- and twenty-dollar tickets are now routine, and scratch-off games now make up about half of lottery sales. Their steady stream of $100 prizes means that regular players can win every few weeks. They tell their friends, who buy, win&12;and tell theirs.
us wow gold
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alghe , verdi

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