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Reef Line L'innovazione nell'Acquariofilia di Barriera (Korallen-Zucht, Ecotech Marine, Brightwell Aquatics, Salifert, Carib Sea, Grotech, Vertex, Elios, Osmosys)

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Vecchio 09-08-2008, 19:47   #1
L'avatar di dani85
Registrato: Feb 2008
Città: Parma
Acquariofilo: Dolce/Marino
N° Acquari: 1 reef, 1 dolce 150lt, 1 laghetto da 25000lt
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Post "Grazie" / "Mi Piace"
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Korallin c1501

Ho quasi acquistato a un buon prezzo questo reattore di calcio per la mia vasca, causa rottura del precedente...subito puntavo sul c3001 ma nel mobile non ci sta è troppo alto e tenerlo fuori non se ne parla... ora la differenza tra i due è solo in grandezza della colonna(altezza) e ciò influisce molto sulla portata? sulla mia vasca in parole povere con una popolazione medio/alta(per stare larghi) basta il c1501? la taratura ottimale con jumbo? ho visto che viene fornito del suo materiale, ci sono precauzioni da prendere in termini di lavaggio?un ultima cosa come mai il coperchio con portasonda costa così tanto?
grazie per la pazienza...

"i giovani maneschi leggono tutti dostoevskij"
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Vecchio 09-08-2008, 22:34   #2
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L'avatar di fappio
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Post "Grazie" / "Mi Piace"
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dani85, mi sa che hai sbagliato sezione ...
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Vecchio 11-08-2008, 13:48   #3
L'avatar di geronte
Registrato: Jun 2003
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Post "Grazie" / "Mi Piace"
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Ciano Dani, non esiste una taratura ottimale, in quanto devi ricercare la taratura corretta per la tua vasca. Ci sono troppi fattori che influenzano il tutto, dalla q.tà di acqua presente nell'acquario, dal numero di animali presente ecc.

Il 1501 viene fornito con il media già pronto per essere utilizzato, basta una sciacquata. Consigliamo per la taratura di base 30/40 bolle al minuto ed una uscita dal reattore di 1,8 l/h.

Il costo del kit con il portasonda é "caro" perchè è un pezzo speciale e viene fornito solo su ordinazione. Non è assolutamente necessario montarlo in quanto il funzionamento del reattore è perfetto anche senza il controllo della co2, basta un buon riduttore di pressione.

Giancarlo - REEFLINE S.r.l.

seguiteci su Facebook
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Vecchio 26-01-2009, 18:26   #4
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Post "Grazie" / "Mi Piace"
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Invia un messaggio tramite ICQ a Fueesor504

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Most of the time

to be severe with oneself and lenient with others.

A wage-earners, to go out a living away from home for many years, slept in the streets, picking over garbage, beaten, sold blood to cross the road repair, have been carrying cement, finally break a world, become a super assets of millions of real estate developers.

When one has to work with him working envious brothers intended to reveal, he said, what do you think I am rich, is it? It was a misconception. In fact, most of the time I was twenty years ago when I first came to work Canton, received 150 yuan wages. On the use of these 150 million, I'll give her mother bought a bag of Cantonese-style dim sum, to his wife bought a silk skirt. At home, my pockets empty although the text, but a very rich person's feelings. Although what I have now, but can not find the original no longer the kind of rich feeling.

What is rich? Sometimes we think that rich is rich, the richest is the time when the most money. If only the number of terms, this may be true. However, in real life, a person, when the richest moments in the most money. Wow leveling, wow gold, Cheap WoW Power Leveling Store wow power leveling, we professionally focused on providing wow powerleveling service and offers 24/7 non-stop power leveling and wow gold service. With the quickest speed and best service we will satisfy your powerleveling aspiration for your game. We only employ the most professional players and assign only those familiar with your specific class to play your characters. So your character can be leveled by our professional players who are expert in World of Warcraft,We have helped thousands of players reached their desired levels at their appointed time. In addition, we have a strong credit standing and the safety of your Wow leveling, wow gold Cheap wow power leveling Store account will be protected forever. Our motto is "Do what you wish!".传&855;私&381; And our high quality service, good reputation and competitive price will make you enjoy your purchase from us.

A U.S. billionaire, anonymous contributions to twenty-five years, amounting to 270 million U.S. dollars. Last year, New Jersey, a charitable institution in the tenth meeting of the donations received when he finally could not find him, this person is he was a candy maker in New Jersey.
After the reputation out, reporters flocked to, when asked, "You are the circumstances under which the contributions", he replied: "At a time when most felt." "Well, when is your most time?" asked this reporter. "In the time I would like to donate." said.
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Vecchio 26-01-2009, 18:26   #5
Registrato: Jan 2009
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Post "Grazie" / "Mi Piace"
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Invia un messaggio tramite ICQ a Fueesor504

Annunci Mercatino: 0
Most of the time

to be severe with oneself and lenient with others.

A wage-earners, to go out a living away from home for many years, slept in the streets, picking over garbage, beaten, sold blood to cross the road repair, have been carrying cement, finally break a world, become a super assets of millions of real estate developers.

When one has to work with him working envious brothers intended to reveal, he said, what do you think I am rich, is it? It was a misconception. In fact, most of the time I was twenty years ago when I first came to work Canton, received 150 yuan wages. On the use of these 150 million, I'll give her mother bought a bag of Cantonese-style dim sum, to his wife bought a silk skirt. At home, my pockets empty although the text, but a very rich person's feelings. Although what I have now, but can not find the original no longer the kind of rich feeling.

What is rich? Sometimes we think that rich is rich, the richest is the time when the most money. If only the number of terms, this may be true. However, in real life, a person, when the richest moments in the most money. Wow leveling, wow gold, Cheap WoW Power Leveling Store wow power leveling, we professionally focused on providing wow powerleveling service and offers 24/7 non-stop power leveling and wow gold service. With the quickest speed and best service we will satisfy your powerleveling aspiration for your game. We only employ the most professional players and assign only those familiar with your specific class to play your characters. So your character can be leveled by our professional players who are expert in World of Warcraft,We have helped thousands of players reached their desired levels at their appointed time. In addition, we have a strong credit standing and the safety of your Wow leveling, wow gold Cheap wow power leveling Store account will be protected forever. Our motto is "Do what you wish!".传&855;私&381; And our high quality service, good reputation and competitive price will make you enjoy your purchase from us.

A U.S. billionaire, anonymous contributions to twenty-five years, amounting to 270 million U.S. dollars. Last year, New Jersey, a charitable institution in the tenth meeting of the donations received when he finally could not find him, this person is he was a candy maker in New Jersey.
After the reputation out, reporters flocked to, when asked, "You are the circumstances under which the contributions", he replied: "At a time when most felt." "Well, when is your most time?" asked this reporter. "In the time I would like to donate." said.
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c1501 , korallin

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