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Vecchio 02-09-2022, 07:24   #1
Registrato: Sep 2022
Città: china
Acquariofilo: Dolce
Età : 26
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Post "Grazie" / "Mi Piace"
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During the time when my father was ill, I often went back to Shi's house. Sometimes I would accidentally bump into Aunt Yung in front of the bed, carefully cleaning the fruit platter for my father. That earnest appearance made me lose my mind several times. Once I heard my father say softly to her, "Don't stay at home all day. Go out to meet your friends. It's good to make a scene. What are you doing with me all day?" Aunt Yung shook her head and looked at her father. It took her a long time to answer, "a young couple will accompany each other when they are old.". In this way, I am satisfied. Father frowned. Although his face was pale in his illness, his eyes were still bright. He seemed to be a little reluctant. He wanted to say something but held back. Finally, he closed his eyes as if he had not heard anything. The room was so quiet that only my father's heavy panting could be heard. A little afternoon sunshine came into the room, the French plane trees in the courtyard swung slowly through the French glass windows, and the English roses in the garden were just blooming and fragrant. The two of them sat and lay down, and Aunt Rong's contented smile made me unable to disturb them, so that I could no longer have the slightest resentment against the woman who "robbed" her father from her mother. A companion may be the greatest wish in one's life. From this point of view, the mother is happy, the father accompanied her to the end; the father is also happy, Rong Yi guarded him until the last moment of life. May my parents bless me! Uncle Ji Gang gave me a phone call yesterday, saying that my father went to the headquarters the day before yesterday to have a look, explained some things and left. Do not let people follow, saying that they want to be quiet. The suite reserved for him was empty, and the housekeeper on Long Island said no one had been seen. Uncle Ji Gang is also in a dilemma. He wants to contact you and has scruples. It's great that you are willing to go there now. Nan's voice called me back in meditation. I asked my son doubtfully, "What makes you think I can find your father?"? If he goes missing on purpose and leaves this big mess behind, where can I find someone in this big world? Nan'er looked at me with a sigh and fascination. "Before my father left Hong Kong,High Density Storage Drive In Rack, he told me to listen to you and not to contradict you any more. When you were at the helm of Chuang's future, I asked him what to do if you couldn't hold up this scene.". He was silent for a long time and said only one sentence, 'I only wish your mother still needed me.' Father is such an unshakable man, only that day, I actually found that he would be completely directionless, completely lost self-confidence, he was left only to wait. I know that if you want to, if you are happy,automated warehouse systems, you must know where Dad is and how to get him home. There seems to be a crystal barrier in my heart that has broken gently, and thousands of feelings have flooded my heart like the tide of breaking the dike. I know where he is. I've always known. Ten years ago, on the day I returned to the manor, he sat beside me pretending to be asleep, stroked my hair and told me that even if I hated him, he would live with me. No matter what happens, he will shine a light for me in the home that belongs to only the two of us. At that time, my line of tears fell, and no matter how bitter and disappointed I was, I still remembered this sentence firmly. Ten years later, when I knew he was flying to the United States, my heart was still inexplicably stable. I believe he will be waiting for me there, by the beautiful lake, in the most ordinary house. These days, pallet rack shelving ,shuttle rack system, every order I give, every decision I make, is more or less unexpected to some people. There are not a few people waiting to see me in a hurry, but they are all disappointed. It's not how calm I am, it's just because I know he'll be there when I can't go on. Chapter 44 Thoughts together, the eyes seem to be full of his familiar and distant figure, I can not touch, can not hide. A heart was beaten to lose its direction, and he only wished to say softly in his ear at this time, "Yun Ru, I am here." There was a deep male voice in my ear, but it was my son: "Mommy, it's getting late. I'll go back to my room with you." He took advantage of the opportunity to help me up, some discontented nagging me, "the wind is so strong at night, you come to the garden without clothes.". No wonder when the season changes, Dad is like facing a formidable enemy, wishing he could take care of you 24 hours a day.
"I listened to Nan's words in a trance." Huh? " There was a sound. Not to mention anything else, do I remember one time a few years ago, I was still an intern at Chuang's. At that time, I was talking to the people of the Land Resources Planning Department about the land developed by Red Star. At that time, for this project, all the senior officials of Chuang were highly nervous. All the preparatory meetings were held by my father personally. Even Uncle Song could not speak. It was absolutely confidential. In the middle of the meeting, my secretary handed me a speakerphone and said you had a phone call for me. I was stunned and wanted to say that the little secretary was too bold to come in at such a time. As a result, my father swept me, frowned, asked me for the phone, listened twice and announced that Uncle Song would continue to host for him. I had a vague recollection of that. At that time, it was the flu season, and the accident and emergency department was crowded every day. I stayed up for three days in a row. I had a stomach trouble and a headache. After taking some medicine, I lay on my desk for half a day and couldn't get up. Dizzy just want to find someone to accompany me home, people always want to find a relative in illness. The call went to Nan's cell phone, but he turned to the secretary's desk. I had no choice but to report my name and plan to hang up the phone, but also secretly laughed at myself that the more I lived, the less promising I was. As a result, the secretary said on the other end of the phone with great trepidation, "Mrs. Zhuang, wait a minute, I'll connect you right away." In a daze, I heard someone ask, "What's wrong with you?"? Where is it? I just answer, also do not have the strength to care about Nan son how so impolite, "the hospital.". It's a little uncomfortable. "Wait at the door, I'll be right there." Then he hung up the phone. At that time, I just felt gratified that no matter how used you are to being surrounded by people, you probably only need one or two people beforehand. When I walked out of the hospital gate, Zhuang Heng's car just arrived. I can't remember what happened later. I only know that Cui Jiong was in trouble again,warehouse storage racks, and I was given a week's long vacation by sir. You know, after many years of raising and raising, I seldom ask for a long vacation for illness. kingmoreracking.com
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