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Vecchio 26-08-2022, 02:26   #1
Registrato: Aug 2022
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The Phoenix idea was a little simpler. They wanted to disrupt the 6th Battalion's formation with heavy cavalry and then storm with infantry. But their cavalry was defeated, these infantry want to win, is completely hard-hitting way, there is no tactics to speak of. The generals of the sixth battalion did not expect any tactics. The terrain was flat and there was no terrain to exploit. And the enemy is also prepared, all the conspiracy, is not as good as the confrontation. When Rex trained these soldiers, he did not teach them any advanced swordsmanship, but paid attention to discipline. At that time, the officers did not understand, and now everyone is grateful for this. There is no flaw in the command of the Sixth Battalion, because the soldiers are trained in cruel discipline and have instinctive reactions to many things. Officers at the level of the flag regiment only need to issue simple orders, and the whole army will be coordinated. No matter how nervous the soldiers were, they executed perfectly. In such a battlefield, the individual ability is reduced and the collective strength is expanded. Forward Suddenly, with a loud shout, accompanied by a fierce drumbeat, a flag regiment of infantry crossed the shield and rushed up from the flank to the cavalry of the second attack. The one thousand cavalry did not divide, but in the south to try to disrupt the royal swordsman battalion to the pursuit of the retreating cavalry, who did not expect, this flag regiment of infantry, at a distance of two hundred meters,euro plastic pallet, actually launched an attack on the cavalry. On the legs of one thousand heavily armored infantry, the magic light flashed, and the infantry of the flag regiment went out at a high speed. The distance of two hundred was very far from the infantry, but under the influence of magic equipment, these heavily armored infantry burst out with a terrible impact in an instant. The distance they can run is only 500 meters, but it is enough. A flag regiment of one thousand men was divided into five battalions of two hundred men each, and the infantry in the front row were all strongmen with axes and halberds. Heavy,plastic pallet supplier, sharp axes and halberds destroyed the hopes of the Phoenix cavalry from the flanks. Their lances were cut down by heavily armored infantry before they could abandon them. Everyone knows that if the cavalry meets the hoplite, it must be careful, and it is better to rely on the speed advantage to attack, but who would have thought that the hoplite of the 6th Battalion, with the posture of cavalry, launched an attack on the enemy. The cavalry counterattack was somewhat weak, attacked from the flank, the cavalry drew out the sword cut on the armor of the hoplite, no speed-driven advantage, simply can not break the armor. The second infantry flag regiment rushed out, but the infantry of this flag regiment had no heavy armor and could not keep up with the speed. They picked up the wounded of the enemy and stabbed the wounded on the ground with their short guns. Incomparably cruel battle, uproot! Chapter 350 don't take prisoners. The color of Duke Balder's face was even worse. If the first killing of cavalry was only to increase morale, the second slaughter of the wounded was the habitual behavior of the Saleen army. The general army will not do so, because it will provoke the enemy to fight to the death. Sahlin's army doesn't care about this at all. There are soldiers who specialize in doing this kind of thing, and they are unified and coordinated. Obviously, collapsible pallet box ,foldable bulk container, they have undergone strict special training. Those heavily armored cavalry, if there is no targeted weapons, want to immediately break the armor, kill it, is also very difficult. Do you want to stop them? The Duke of Balder asked Tiffany. Why stop it? Tiffany's strange rhetorical question. The Duke of Balder was speechless. Tiffany was an eight-level wizard. These soldiers had no pity for her. It is even more foolish to ask a mage if he should kill a captive. Because people who offend the wizard don't end up well. Balder, we will have a more intense battle, at this time, what are you thinking about? Stephanie said to Balder in a lecturing tone. Balder suddenly realized that this attack was definitely not an accident. Phoenix has an accident, can assemble tens of thousands of troops, more than three thousand cavalry, this is not the work of one or two nobles. Balder was a war advocate in the House of Commons, and he had little affection for the people of Phoenix. He also knows a lot about the situation in Phoenix. As soon as Stephanie said this, he immediately thought of the cause of the incident.
The scattered cavalry was pursued by the cavalry of the Royal Swordsman Battalion, and the long arrows fired from the crossbow barrel were still carrying orange flames. This is the real magic equipment, exclusive to the Royal Swordsman Camp. The cone-shaped arrow penetrated the armor, and the orange flame immediately penetrated the armor and burned violently. People who have practiced swordsmanship have a high tolerance for pain, but the burning of magic sharp flame, unlike fire oil, goes directly into the bone marrow. The Phoenix cavalry screamed and fell off their horses, and they would not have survived without the treatment of the sorcerer. The 6th Battalion and the Phoenix Cavalry were still damaged in the battle, and the cavalry of the Royal Swordsman Battalion were in pursuit, which was a massacre at all. Forced to kill the cavalry hurriedly pull open the short bow, turn around and shoot, but they are heavy cavalry, archery ability according to the light cavalry difference dozens of times, these short bows are only occasionally used weapons, arrows shot out, shot on the armor of the soldiers of the royal swordsman battalion, one after another. Balder saw this scene, the heart is suddenly stirred up the stormy waves. He had never seen the battle of the Royal Swordsman Battalion before, but when he saw it today, he remembered his private soldier. The Duke can keep more than a thousand private soldiers, these private soldiers, are the nobility's trusted followers, extremely tough. But compared with the people in the Royal Swordsman Camp, the gap is obvious. After a brief battle, all but the Phoenix Cavalry to the north were annihilated by soldiers from the 6th Battalion and the Royal Swordsmen Battalion. The cavalry in the north did not know what happened here, but under the battle, Xuanchang lost more than two hundred people, found that the weapons gap is obvious, the cavalry simply turned north, around their infantry position. The cavalry on the south side, after being attacked by the heavily armored infantry of the sixth battalion, lost most of them. When they wanted to escape, the cavalry of the sixth battalion rushed up and completely entangled them. The cavalry, who had lost their speed,wholesale plastic pallet, had no advantage over the long weapons of the infantry. They can only fight bravely by themselves. Only at this time, the shield array on the south side moved forward slowly, and the infantry of the sixth battalion took advantage of the enemy's cavalry to lose speed and press up. cnplasticpallet.com
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