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Vecchio 24-08-2022, 02:56   #1
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"Go to the world and the sea", creating many firsts! Directly Hit a Number of "Super Projects" in Shenzhen, the Fastest Opening Next Year _ Passage _

Original title: "Go to the world and the sea", creating many firsts! Directly Hit Many "Super Projects" in Shenzhen, the Fastest Opening Next Year When people mention Shenzhen, "Shenzhen speed" is one of the most frequently used words. It was originally derived from The Amazing Efficiency of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone in the Early Stage of Construction Record of "One Floor in Three Days" of International Trade Building Let "Shenzhen Speed" enjoy a good reputation throughout the country Today, the distance International Trade Building has been completed. It has been more than thirty years. But the pace of Shenzhen's development has never stopped. What are the "super projects" in Shenzhen at present? Nandu reporters visited several traffic projects under construction on the spot Let's get a sneak peek. ↓↓↓ 01 Deep and medium passage It has the highest bridge in the world. The equivalent of a 90-story building. In Shenzhen, there is such a place. Expand the full text Be watched by everyone all the time It has the highest sea bridge in the world. There is also an extra-long submarine tunnel with 8 lanes in both directions. After completion, it will take 2 hours to drive from Shenzhen to Zhongshan. Will be reduced to 20 minutes That's right! TA is Deep and medium passage Super cross-sea cluster project Recently, Nandu reporters came to the construction site of the East Artificial Island on the Shenzhen side of the Shenzhen-Medium Passage, and the scene of hundreds of meters of offshore construction work was shocking. Looking ahead, excavators, rotary excavators, down-the-hole hammers, pile drivers and other super-large equipment stand in great numbers, and the roar of machinery rises and falls one after another. Hundreds of workers on the site are "blooming in many places", carrying out the construction process of the main tunnel diaphragm wall in an orderly manner. Located in the inner Lingdingyang sea area, the Shenzhen-Medium Passage is a super cross-sea cluster project integrating "bridge, island, tunnel and underwater interchange", with a total length of about 24 kilometers. The corridor adopts the technical standard of two-way 8-lane expressway with a design speed of 100 km/H and a design service life of 100 years. Among them, Lingdingyang Bridge is one of the key control projects of the project, with a main span of 1666 meters and a main tower height of 270 meters, equivalent to a 90-storey building. It is the world's largest span steel box girder suspension bridge in the sea and the world's highest navigable clearance cross-sea bridge. Rendering of Lingdingyang Bridge of Shenzhen-Medium Passage Overcome many world-class engineering and technical problems In fact, the 24-kilometer-long Shenzhen-Medium Passage brings together many world-class engineering and technical problems. Among them, the East Artificial Island visited by Nandu reporters is one of the important control projects of the project, which is the first underwater interchange in China, facing construction problems such as complex geological and hydrological conditions,dth drilling hammer, wide cross operation area and high safety risk of underwater operation. "The main line tunnel and some ramps will also cross the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway along the Yangtze River, which is in operation, and the safety requirements for protecting the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway along the Yangtze River are extremely high." Hu Longjie, who is responsible for on-site technical guidance, introduced. Due to the great impact, tight schedule, heavy tasks and many innovations of the Shenzhen-Medium Passage Project, many of them gave up organizing weddings at home in order to achieve the project construction on schedule. In 2021, the S03 bid project of Shenzhen-Zhongdao Passage held a special group wedding for five couples. Among them,dth drill bits, Hu Longjie and his childhood sweetheart also participated in the marriage. It is expected to be 2024 Residents on both sides of the Pearl River can Punch in this Bay Area sea passage! After seeing the "offshore" project We'll go down to the bottom of the sea together. See what kind of "scenery" there is here. 02 Mawan Cross-sea Passage Project Shenzhen's first cross-sea tunnel project More than 100 builders are stationed here every day. At the bottom of the sea 40 meters deep in Qianhai, Shenzhen. What can you see? Here More than 100 builders are stationed every day. The May Day holiday is no exception. This is the Mawan Cross-sea Passage Project. The Mawan Cross-sea Passage Project passes through Qianhai Mawan and Baoan Dachan Bay, with a total length of about 8.05 kilometers. At present, there are two slurry-water balanced shield machines with a diameter of 15 meters, which are excavated from the Qianhai and Dachan Bay sections in opposite directions and pass through the Qianhai Bay area.
Mawan Cross-sea Passage is the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. One of the representatives of the demonstration project of "transportation power" How much do you know about TA? Recently Nandu reporters came to the construction site of Bid 1. Follow the staff into the undersea tunnel 40 meters deep. Hundreds of builders are fighting here. There is a Shenzhou in the sky and a shield in the earth. At the construction site of Bid 1 of Mawan Cross-sea Passage, the five-storey "Pengcheng" shield machine is steadily advancing. The closer we get to the shield cab, the louder the machine roars. This is the sound of "Pengcheng" crossing the rocks under the sea. This "most important weapon of the country" -- 15.53 m in diameter; A building of more than five story in height; The excavation section is 6 times that of the conventional subway shield; It is the largest diameter shield machine used in underwater tunnel construction in China. As the first large-diameter cross-sea shield tunnel in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, Mawan Cross-sea Tunnel is expected to be completed by the end of 2023. After completion, it will play an important role in improving the external road network structure of Qianhai, connecting the freight traffic of Nanshan Port Area, and promoting the traffic interconnection between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. The team often works overtime until the early morning. Nandu reporters saw at the scene that the 320-meter-long tunnel had initially taken shape. In the future, it will become an important channel in the west of Shenzhen, connecting the freight traffic of Nanshan Port Area. Zhu Xu is a member of the whole project management team. In 2019, he came to Shenzhen and devoted himself to the construction of the Mawan Cross-Sea Passage Project. “ "When I first came to Shenzhen, I was not familiar with people and places, and it was very difficult to carry out the whole project in the early stage.". It is common for project teams to work overtime until 1 A. m. Today, Zhu Xu has grown into the deputy production manager of the Mawan Cross-Sea Passage Project in Shanghai Tunnel. From the difficult steps at the beginning to the right track now, fastest dth hammer ,rock drilling tools, Zhu Xu sighed with emotion that he was honored to be one of the builders of this super project. At present, the shield of the first bid of Mawan has advanced 456 meters, the shield of the second bid has advanced 1088 meters, and the open-cut tunnel excavation, the main structure construction and the main structure construction of the power tunnel comprehensive pipe gallery are under way. After the completion of the channel Shenzhen er can "drive the car into the sea" Looking forward to this hardcore chunnel. Build soon! After seeing the sea Let's go back to the land. There is a highway that many people often take. Has created many "first" 03 Meiguan Expressway Reconstruction Project The First Municipal Reconstruction Expressway in China It will become another "Shennan Avenue" in the future Mention "Meiguan Expressway" What was your first impression? There is a lot of traffic here. "Traffic jam from time to time" is also a headache. Source: Shenzhen Traffic To change the traffic situation Municipal Reconstruction Project of Qinghunan Section of Meiguan Expressway Starts Become the first municipal reconstruction highway in China Recently, Nandu reporters visited the second bid of Meiguan of MCC20. At present, 35% of the overall image progress of the project has been completed. Future Meiguan Expressway will become Another "Shennan Avenue" on the Central Axis of Shenzhen Two-way 6-lane expansion to 14 lanes Meiguan Expressway, opened to traffic in 1995, is the main north-south traffic channel in Shenzhen, passing through Longhua District, Longgang Bantian and other areas in Shenzhen, and connecting with Guanshen Expressway. In 2014, the Meilin-Guanlan section of Meiguan Expressway cancelled the toll, becoming the first expressway in China to cancel the toll through government repurchase during its operation period. With the rapid increase of traffic flow, road congestion is becoming more and more serious. The municipal reconstruction of Qinghunan section of Meiguan Expressway came into being. The reconstruction project starts from the original Meilin main line toll station in the south and ends between Shiqing Avenue and Qinghu Interchange in the north, with a total length of 7.98 kilometers. The original two-way 6 lanes are expanded into a 14-lane urban expressway with two-way 8 lanes on the main line and two-way 6 lanes on the auxiliary road. Seven interchanges are set up and nine new pedestrian overpasses are added. At present, the image progress of the project has been completed by 35%, the enclosure has been completed by 30800 meters, 1327000 cubic meters have been unearthed, 4886 meters of pipe gallery have been completed, and 210 bridge pile foundations have been completed. Wei Min, senior engineer of Shenzhen Transportation Bureau Construction Center, said that after the completion of the project, Meiguan Expressway will be better connected with the surrounding road network, and the traffic capacity can be doubled.
Landscape Conceptual Design of Municipal Engineering in Qinghunan Section of Meiguan Expressway Create a number of "first" It is understood that Meiguan Expressway has created many "first": The first expressway in China to cancel toll collection through government repurchase during its operation period; The first municipal reconstruction highway in China; It is the first project in China that combines the comprehensive pipe gallery with the expressway; According to the plan, Meiguan Expressway needs to carry out roadbed splicing, pavement asphalt overlay, bridge splicing and reinforcement or demolition and reconstruction, ramp and local central divider reconstruction. The auxiliary roads of the newly-built urban expressways on both sides are equipped with complete municipal pipelines and supporting facilities. According to statistics, the current main line intersects with more than 10 existing planned roads and bridges, including many cross-road and cross-crossroad pipelines. It is not difficult to see the complexity of the construction process of the project. How does it feel to drive on such a "gold content" road? Do you want to feel it, too? Look forward to the early completion of the project. Finally, let's take a look at one. Maybe a place that few people have noticed. "Subway Parking Lot" 04 Chiwan parking lot The largest subway parking lot under construction in Shenzhen The size of 34 football fields. Speaking of "Underground Traffic" The first thing many people think of is the subway. Shenzhen Metro Continually Refreshes Mileage It is also constantly expanding the traffic map of Shenzhen. At present, Shenzhen's urban rail operation mileage ranks sixth in the country. Passenger flow ranks fourth in the country The most anticipated is that Shenzhen Metro Line 12, 14 and 16 And the branch line of Line 6 It is planned to open within this year. Schematic Diagram of Line 12 (the station name is subject to the actual completion) Recently, Nandu reporters visited on the spot. Metro "King of Transfer" Line 12 Visit the latest progress in the construction of the largest subway parking lot under construction The largest subway parking lot under construction in Shenzhen Metro Line 12 is about 40.5 kilometers long, with 33 stations, including 18 transfer stations, which is truly the "king of transfer". Chiwan parking lot is also one of the key and difficult projects of the whole line. Chiwan parking lot is 1050 meters long, 370 meters wide at the widest point and 90 meters narrow at the narrowest point. The total land acquisition area is 24.1 hectares, which is equivalent to the size of 34 football fields. It is the largest subway parking lot under construction in Shenzhen at present. It can park 39 trains at the same time. Nandu reporters saw at the construction site of Chiwan parking lot of Metro Line 12 that Chiwan parking lot has basically taken shape, and all the participants are working hard to put into construction and production, operating more than 100 large, medium and small machinery and equipment, such as tower cranes, truck cranes, excavators and road rollers, continuously. "The project has more than 820 front-line construction workers and more than 130 managers at all levels to ensure that it will be put into operation by the end of 2022." Liang Yong, deputy production manager of Chiwan Parking Lot Project Department of Shenzhen Metro Line 12 of China Electric Power Construction, introduced that at present, the civil construction of Chiwan Parking Lot is in the final stage, and it has entered the stage of large-scale construction such as decoration and decoration after the station.
See here Have you been shocked by these "super projects"? Except for these super blockbuster projects. When you go out and walk. Have you ever looked down? The seemingly uneventful road under his feet "Thursday's Road Instrument" Comes Back Take you to understand those stories about "the road" Shenzhen Transportation Bureau & Nandu Intelligent Media Center Jointly produced Producer | Tao Ran Planning | Fu Ke Co-ordinate interview | Nandu reporter Zhang Yanli Photography and video | Nandu reporter Zhao Yanxiong Creative support | Feng Manrun, Zhu Xinjie, Chen Fang Technical support | Li Qiuxing Editor | Yu Simin A man in Shenzhen suddenly went into cardiac arrest while running! Where are the three people who left silently after saving people? College Entrance Examination Mathematics Suspected Leak Questions? The latest bulletin of the Ministry of Education Guangdong College Entrance Examination Composition Questions Come Out, Shenzhen Candidates Say So.. Multiple pictures directly hit the front line of the examination room For more exclusive news, click below to follow us Click on the lower left corner to see more A big event in Shenzhen Give a "like" and "watching"! Return to Sohu to see more Responsible Editor: (function() { function getBrandHtml() { var brands = [],Tapered Rock Bit, html = ''; for(var i = 0; i < brands.length; i++) { var brand = brands[i]; if(brands.length i+1) { html+= '<a class="username-link" href="'+brand.url+'" target="_blank]'+brand.name+'[/url]'; } else { html+= '<a class="username-link" href="'+brand.url+'" target="_blank]'+brand.name+'[/url]&289;'; } } return html; }; if(document.getElementById('linkBtn')){ document.getElementById('linkBtn').onclick = function() { $('#brands').removeClass('brand');$ ( '# tipInfo').text ( 'Real name responded'); $ ('#linkBtn').remove();$ ('.real-response .content').css('line-height', '20px');$ ('.real-response .time').css('line-height', '20px'); }; document.getElementById('brands').innerHTML = getBrandHtml(); }; })();&290; wt-dthtools.com
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