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Vecchio 04-10-2019, 05:21   #1
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Thumbs up Common disease in ornamental fish and how to treat

Here is a summary of some common diseases common in aquarium fish and how to prevent and treat them.
1. Mercury disease
Also known as Cotton wool fungus, is one of the common diseases in ornamental fish.
~~ Agent:
Caused by two fungi, Saprolegnia and Achlya. There are also a number of other fungi that attack when the body is weakened.
Sensitive objects: Species of Common Carp (Cypriniformes)
~~ Symptoms
On the skin appears grayish-white areas, there are small hyphae looking in water like cotton fibers on the fish body.
The white fungus usually grows in areas where the fish has been previously infected, places where the parasite attacked and where the fish were injured.
After several days of development, the hyphae intertwine to form cottony tufts that are visible to the naked eye.
The disease causes loss of value of ornamental fish and along with opportunistic agents can cause death of fish if not treated promptly.
~~ The cure
Application of general preventive measures. Raise the temperature to 30oC or more. Use Potassium dichromate 2g / 100 liters of water. If the fish has wounds, they can be applied directly with 5% Potassium dichromate solution or 5% Iodine. Salt: 200g / 100 liters of water soaked for 15 minutes or 100g / 100 liters soaked for no time limit.

2. Fungi disease on fish
This disease is uncommon, but when sick, it is very dangerous for the fish and causes it to die if not treated.
~~ Agent:
Branchinomyces mushrooms
~~ Target audience:
Carp, goldfish, ...
~~ Symptoms
When infected with this fungus, fish have abnormal breathing signs such as shortness of breath to get air. Gill filaments and gills are joined together by mucus and spots also appear on it.
~~ Preventive measures
+ The water in the aquarium must always be clean by improving the water filtration system to keep the water clean.
+ Water supply for aquariums must be clean and free of pathogens.
+ Newly bought fish must drop separately and eliminate disease before putting in the tank.
~~ Treatment:
+ Change the water in infected aquariums
+ Use heating to increase the temperature of the aquarium should be 30 - 32oC, but should also pay attention to other factors when the temperature increases.
+ Tetracycline can be used, white salt, fungi specialized drugs available at the fish shop like Japanese Tetra, Bio 2 .... to treat the fish.

3. Spring virus disease on carp
The disease also has the name edema of the carp caused by a virus.
~~ Agent:
******- Rhabdovirus carpio Sensitive objects: Japanese carp and other ornamental fish belonging to the Common carp (Cypriniformes).
~~ Symptoms
******-With signs of darker skin outside, bulging eyes, pale gill-bearing gill-bearing fibers, haemorrhagic haemorrhage points in the skin and gills. During internal surgery, there is fluid in the abdominal cavity, bloated intestine, pancreas are swollen and hemorrhagic phenomena are seen as signs of this disease.
The disease usually occurs when the temperature is low from 18 - 20oC. Younger fish (under 1 year of age) are more susceptible to this disease, especially overcrossed carp.
~~ Preventive measures
******-For the spring virus disease on carp, there is no specific medicine in addition to using the vaccine. However, using vaccines to treat commercial carp is very expensive and difficult to apply mass. So farmers need to adjust the appropriate breeding season frame as in the time the weather has a stable temperature> 22oC and apply general preventive measures such as mycosis.

4. Virus disease in Koi fish
~~ Agent:
******- Koi Herpivirus Symptom
First, there may be some gill lesions and high mortality. Some cases of bacteria and parasites are second agents that can make the first virus infection more dangerous
Infected fish are usually near the surface, swimming lethargically and can be shocked by asphyxiation and unoriented swimming.
External signs may show gills with red and white spots, bleeding, sunken eyes, skin with patches of blistering or blistering.
The internal signs of KHV are not specific, but they may be organs that are gripped into the sinuses of the body and appear speckled (Goodwin, 2003).
~~ Sensitive subjects:
*****- Japanese carp and Cyprinidae carp family.
Preventing and treating measures: Applying general preventive and treating measures and managing fish health.

5. Culomaris disease
The disease also has the name edema of the carp caused by a virus.
~~ Agent:
******- Rhabdovirus carpio Sensitive objects: Japanese carp and other ornamental fish belonging to the Common carp (Cypriniformes).
~~ Symptoms
******-With signs of darker skin outside, bulging eyes, pale gill-bearing gill-bearing fibers, haemorrhagic haemorrhage points in the skin and gills. During internal surgery, there is fluid in the abdominal cavity, bloated intestine, pancreas are swollen and hemorrhagic phenomena are seen as signs of this disease.
The disease usually occurs when the temperature is low from 18 - 20oC. Younger fish (under 1 year of age) are more susceptible to this disease, especially overcrossed carp.
~~ Preventive measures
******-For the spring virus disease on carp, there is no specific medicine in addition to using the vaccine. However, using vaccines to treat commercial carp is very expensive and difficult to apply mass. So farmers need to adjust the appropriate breeding season frame as in the time the weather has a stable temperature> 22oC and apply general preventive measures such as mycosis.

4. Virus disease in Koi fish
~~ Agent:
******- Koi Herpivirus Symptom
First, there may be some gill lesions and high mortality. Some cases of bacteria and parasites are second agents that can make the first virus infection more dangerous
Infected fish are usually near the surface, swimming lethargically and can be shocked by asphyxiation and unoriented swimming.
External signs may show gills with red and white spots, bleeding, sunken eyes, skin with patches of blistering or blistering.
The internal signs of KHV are not specific, but they may be organs that are gripped into the sinuses of the body and appear speckled (Goodwin, 2003).
~~ Sensitive subjects:
*****- Japanese carp and Cyprinidae carp family.
Preventing and treating measures: Applying general preventive and treating measures and managing fish health.

5. Culomaris disease
Also known as fin, tail rot
Agent: Flavobacterium culomaris
~~ Sensitive subjects:
*******-Fish Betta
~~ Symptoms
*******-The hallmark of fish infection is the color of the fins. The fin is initially brown or white and then quickly spreads to the entire fin. Sometimes the infected fin is red in color. If the disease spreads to the rays of the fin and the flesh, it will become serious and the fish may die.
The ray's rays are torn, ruptured, damaged by bacterial attack.
Fish fins can also be damaged by unskilled hand-catching or by biting other fins, allowing infection to occur on injured parts. The rotten fin parts fall off and float to the surface.
~~ Preventing and treating diseases
******-The drugs to treat this disease include Melafix, Maracyn, salt or Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) mixed with water or applied to the infected fins (being careful not to get the medication on the gills, which can cause the fish to die) . Antibiotics like Tetracycline and Sulfa are used only in cases of force majeure.

6. Sores
~~ Agent
*****-One of the most common bacterial infections is Aeromonas hydrophila, an opportunistic pathogen when fish are sick, injured or weakly resistant.
~~ Symptoms
*****- Bacteria that cause wounds and ulcers to individuals with weak resistance. In recent years, Aeromonas hydrophila bacteria have become resistant to most antibiotics and antibacterial agents.
Fish have three natural defenses against bacterial attack: mucus, skin and scales. If these parts are damaged, opportunistic pathogens will enter the skin. If left unchecked, inflammation develops, bacteria get into the bloodstream, causing bulging eyes or ascites. Eventually the fish will die.
Ulcers are the result of parasitic infestation or unsatisfactory water quality, the parasites will easily enter the fish body through sores.
~~ Preventing and treating diseases
******- Ulceration on koi fish can be prevented in time by paying close attention to the fish's appearance, regularly changing water, checking water quality environmental parameters: temperature, pH, DO, NH3, NO2 -, ...
**Use an antibiotic that is on the list of allowed use of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to treat bacteria (pay attention to the problem of bacterial resistance).

7. Diseases caused by parasites
1. Fish lice (Argulus)
As a round disk parasite, they attack the fish by mouth like a needle under the skin, puncturing the fish's skin to suck blood and nutrients, with this attack the fish lice will easily spread the bacteria and The virus infects your koi fish. When the lice bite into the fish it also injects into a substrate that attracts many other lice (many lice attack in one place), over time the area of &03;&03;the lesion will expand into an ulcer.
~~ Prevent disease:
*****-The fish louse has appeared in the tank, it will attack the fish in many ways: plants, food, lice eggs can also cling to the tree, so do not add anything to the lake, check regularly. and remove what is found to be sure no infection has occurred.
~~ Treating disease:
*****-Check all fish, when found fish lice, take them out with medical tweezers, then spray bee propolis to prevent secondary infections due to propolis has a very strong sterilizing effect.
If you cannot find glue, you can use special treatments such as potassium permanganate bath, salt bath, disinfectant skin solutions such as Povidine, Bentadine, Iodine, etc.
2: Melon coincidence
~~ Agent: Ichthyophthirius multifilius melon
~~ Sensitive subjects: most types of fish
~~ Symptoms:
The body of the fish is covered with small white spots that grow all over the fish and spread to the whole fin. Periodic infection.
~~ Prevention and treatment:
***** - Because the disease can be transmitted to other fish in the tank, so must treat the entire tank. People have found this cure. Can also be treated with wings to raise the water temperature to 32 - 35oC for 4-6 days. Mix in water of a violet medicine at the rate of 1g for 1 liter of water.
3. Coincident anchor (Larnea)
**** - Lernaea pathogen-like worm, shaped like an anchor, resembles a rod, has an anchor-like head embedded deep into the fish's body.
***** - Infected fish eat poorly, skinny, around the place where the capsules cling and hemorrhage. Anchoring place is a condition for bacteria to invade and grow.
*** - The disease causes great harm to fingerlings and fry. Causing the deformed body to drink and parasite, a large amount in the sinuses of the mouth makes the fish's mouth unable to close and prevent the fish to catch food and die.
Prevention and treatment measures:
**** -Checking fish before stocking, if detected parasitic anchors coincident use purple medicine 10 - 25g / m3 bath for one hour. Treatment can use oval leaves at a dose of 0.3 - 0.5 kg / m3 of water.
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Vecchio 04-10-2019, 12:01   #2
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