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Vecchio 19-04-2009, 12:53   #283
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Registrato: Dec 2007
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"The value of the luminous flux at the ambient temperature of 35 °C is only
informative for the luminaire manufacturer. Significant is the value of the
cold spot temperature. This value is measured at the socket of the stamped
side, approx. in a distance of 2 mm of the glass. For an optimized luminous
flux this value should be between 45 °C and 50 °C. This is shown at the so
called ‘Horseshoe curves’ where the luminous flux is shown in relation to
the lamp ambient temperature.
The cold spot of the T5/∅ 16 mm fluorescent lamps is influenced by
permanent filament heating. This means that higher temperatures reduce
the luminous flux. ECG with cut-off technology reduce the losses of the
system and are optimized regarding the maximum luminous flux of the

questo è la conferma di quanto ho sempre sostenuto, anche se parecchi sostenevano l'incontrario, che la resa dipendeva solo ed esclusivamente dai riflettori, i riflettori hanno una sua importanza, e la stessa causa che parecchi sostenevano che bisogna sostituire i neon ogni 5 mesi, ma non si era capito che la durata e la resa dei neon è tutta rapportata al modo in cui lavorano
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