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Vecchio 30-03-2009, 11:17   #22
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Ho scritto la prof. Billy, tanto per eliminare il rumore del tam tam giornalistico.

Hi Gabrielle.

Please find attached a copy of our paper on the clownfish.

It is reassuring from a scientific perspective to note that the Great barrier Reef marine Park Authority have just completed an follow-up study to examine these populations and others in the same local areas and found essentially the same results our paper did the previous year (GBRMPA Research Publication No 94 -

Best wishes


<°))))>< <°))))>< <°))))>< <°))))>< <°))))>< <°))))><

Dr Billy Sinclair
Centre for Wildlife Conservation

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Mi ha anche mandato un PdF allegato oltre quello del link, ma e' piu' di 100k e non lo posso allegare. Chi e' interessato mi mandi in MP l'email e gli forwardo il tutto.
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