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Vecchio 22-02-2008, 21:32   #11
L'avatar di mario86
Registrato: Jan 2007
Città: Sotto il Monte Giovanni XXIII
Azienda: La Mangrovia
Collaboratore azienda: Si
Collabori con: La Mangrovia
Acquariofilo: Dolce
Età : 38
Messaggi: 4.358
Foto: 12 Albums: 4
Post "Grazie" / "Mi Piace"
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ho trovato il link all'articolo...peccato che ho perso la password, per fortuna lo avevo salvato

vi cito la parte finale per chi è interessato ad un'ottima lettura

chi vuole l'articolo perchè non si vuole iscrivere al sito mi lasci la mail che lo spedisco...per ovvi motivi non posso postarlo tutto

Raising Guppies Outdoors By Dr. Alessandro Cellerino
So prepare a large enough tank –it does not necessarily have to be an aquarium or even have a filtration system- where to keep your fishes. In case you have no filtration, good water changes are needed. Of course, it is advisable not to catch all you fish on the same day. You can catch some fishes, acclimate them, sell them and then catch new ones and so on for a couple of months. Finally, this method is not only applicable to guppy fry, but also to the fry of other livebearers (with even better results) and many other fishes such as Killi, Barbs, Gouramis. It is easy and inexpensive: just try it!

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