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Vecchio 14-11-2017, 21:02   #35
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Aggiornamento!! E' arrivato oggi dagli USA il Vibrant , allego sotto le istruzioni :

Vibrant Liquid Aquarium Cleaner Dosing Instructions -

For a very well taken care of, clean aquarium, add 1ml of Vibrant per 10 gallons of aquarium water once every 2 weeks.
For a dirtier aquarium, add 1ml of Vibrant per 10 gallons of aquarium water once per week.
If you are battling Bryopsis or Turf algae, dose 1ml of Vibrant two times per week.

There is no need to discontinue the use of any mechanical or biological filtration while using Vibrant.
Vibrant is safe with all fish, corals and invertebrates.

Vibrant works differently in every aquarium. Some people see almost instant results and some people will have to do multiple treatments for it to kick in and take over. If the first dose knocks it out, great! If not, follow the dosing schedule and sooner than later you will have a clean Vibrant aquarium also :)

What algae strains does Vibrant rid and how fast does it work?

Vibrant is a true beast and we have not yet come across a algae that Vibrant can not beat out. Below I will list a general timeline of how fast Vibrant works on frequent algae strains that cause issues in reef aquariums.

Cloudy/hazy Water- 1 dose
Diatoms - 1-2 doses
Cyanobacteria - (Yes, it will outcompete another bacteria) 1-5 doses
Dinoflagellates - 2-5 doses
Bubble algae - 3-8 doses
Hair Algae - 3-5 doses (depending on species of hair and how bad the infestation is)
Turf Algae - 8 doses ( again, depending on species and how bad the infestation is)
Bryopsis - 6-30 doses ( again, depending on species and how bad the infestation is)
Sono partito con la dose per vasche "sporche", allego anche le foto sull'attuale situazione

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