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Vecchio 03-08-2016, 19:35   #14
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Allora, sabato consegnano la vasca. ultima indecisione è tra AI Prime o Hydra 26, loro mi scrivono questo dopo che gli ho inviato le misure della vasca 45cmx45x50h

JR Toth (AquaIllumination)
Aug 3, 1:21 PM EDT

Hello Ivano,

Thank you for contacting AquaIllumination. For a tank with those dimensions, I would recommend going with one PrimeHD. I recommend this as the PrimeHD has a dispersion of 24'' x 24'' when mounted 8''-12'' above the surface of the water. Using one of them will adequately cover all areas of you tank and will be great for growing any type of coral.


JR Toth
Customer Service Agent
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