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Vecchio 15-09-2013, 15:56   #18
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Cercando un pò in rete ho trovato questo, ma non saprei dire se è attendibile o meno

Bloodfin tetra habitat and range:

The Bloodfin tetra is a benthopelagic freshwater species native to the Río Paraná basin in South America. Río Paraná runs from Brazil via Paraguay to Argentina, before it empties into the Atlantic Ocean. This habitat is subtropical and the water temperature stays between 18 and 28° C (64.5 – 82.5° F)

Bloodfin tetra care:

aphyocharax anisitsi - Bloodfin tetra
Bloodfin tetra picture. Copyright
Caring for Bloodfin tetras is not difficult, but just as with most other fish species, regular water changes must be carried out. The tolerated pH range is 6-8 and the dGH should be kept between 2 and 30. The water temperature can vary from 18 to 28° C (64.5 to 82.5° F), but you should never allow the temperature to shift rapidly between these two extremes. Since the Bloodfin tetra can endure such low temperatures, it is commonly found in unheated aquariums. Low temperatures can however cause its colouration to become less vibrant. If you take good care of your Bloodfin tetra it can live for 10 years or more in the aquarium.

Qui viene descritto come un pesce che può sopravvivere a basse temperature, però bisognerebbe capire la minima raggiunta in natura , se nel loro Habitat si scende fino a 18 gradi credo che non gli farebbe poi cosi male tentare di ricreare tali condizioni a cui è naturalmente soggetto nell' apice dell' inverno, andando gradualmente ad aumentare man mano che si avvicina/allontana dal periodo freddo.

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